The beautiful journey of motherhood is overwhelming…and if your child is hyperactive, then this journey becomes a real roller coaster ride. Emotionally you are always in turbulence because you don’t know exactly how to control your emotions and how to channel your kid’s activities and impulsiveness. As I have already shared that I am a …
Picky Eater? No Worries!! Here Are Some Suggestions Basis My Experience
Contents1 Picky Eater? -Mine too!!!2 My Older Kid, 5 years, Is The One!!3 Here Are Some Tried & Tested Tips For Parents of Picky Eaters3.1 Family Matters3.2 Skipped Meal3.3 No Bribing, Praising3.4 Never Give Up3.5 Variety Is Mighty3.6 Food Fun3.7 Make Menu3.8 Shopping3.9 Camouflage4 Final Words Picky Eater? -Mine too!!! Well, it’s a Mealtime anytime soon, …
Smart Toys For Toddlers – Mommy Shares!
Toys play an important part in your life when you have a toddler at your home. They eat, breathe, sleep, bathe & play with toys. It helps in their cognitive development from childhood by making them think about the toys and how to play with them. Here in this blog, I will share the list …
Introvert Child – A Normal Child – A Blog by Sonali Dhume
Does your child prefer to play alone? Have you noticed that your child has only 1 – 2 friends? Does your child shy away in the social group setups like playschools or daycares? Is your child usually chirpy at home unless you have visitors? If you answered most of these questions affirmatively, your child is …
Tips To Protect Child’s Mind And Eyes – Have A Healthy & Happy Child
A child is one of the best blessings any person could ever have. It completes the whole self, and therefore it should be taken care of with utmost care and abundant love that can be imparted. Since this blessing is worth a lifetime, seeing your child grow is an entirely different kind of experience. And …
Chapter 2: Self-Discipline – Redefining Life
In the previous chapter, we were introduced to the individual reasons for punishment scenarios, types of the same, intensity, etc., in the process of disciplining kids. With the main objective of disciplining and enhancing obeying tendencies, severe forms of punishment were attempted in historical times. The kings and various forms of governments and nations have …
9 Ways Parents Can Help To Enhance Child’s Personality
The surroundings and surroundings play an influential role in moulding a child’s personality. Newborns are born with a distinctive personality that is sooner or later shaped by their environments. A child’s immediate environment is their family, such as parents and grandparents. This is followed by school, where teachers and friends form the child’s environment. Therefore, …
The Difficulty of Deciding When To Stop Breastfeeding!
Breastfeeding, or mother’s milk is like a magic potion for the babies. It supplies all the nutrients necessary for the babies’ growth and development. It also provides with a strong shield for protecting them from all the possible diseases, allergies etc. to which the babies are exposed in that age. As per experts, you should …
Ideas By Shivani To Hop Out of Post-Partum Depression
As I embrace my little one, I remember a lot of buzzing and excited noises around me. I was happy but not fully present. There was a fog covering my emotions. There was a sense of sadness hiding in a corner, just ready to pop out. Many might not know, and neither did I. This …
5 Easy Ways To Nurture Emotional Intelligence In Kids
As parents, we intend to raise our children confident, smart, kind, and successful in all areas of life. This includes both academically and emotionally intelligent too. The way in which the parents and teachers behave and respond to situations is directly linked to children’s behavior and EQ level. With an enhanced EQ level, children can …