Positive Parenting

Embracing Positive Parenting: My Journey with My 4-Year-Old Son, Hitarth

As I embarked on my parenting journey with Hitarth, my goal was to create a calm and peaceful home filled with positive energy. Little did I know that positive parenting would profoundly impact our relationship and his overall development. Through the power of unconditional love, active engagement, and open communication, I have witnessed a strong …

The Konkan Collective

Let’s Meet ”The Konkan Collective”: A Melodious Marvel of Unity and Talent

Though I like to listen to music almost every day, but you know, I’m not a die-hard music fan, and I don’t know much about rhythms and stuff. But man, when I stumbled upon “The Konkan Collective,” they blew me away! From the very first moment I heard their song, ”Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein,” I …

Gender-Neutral Parenting

Embracing Gender-Neutral Parenting: Raising a Happy & Inclusive Generation

In a world that is becoming increasingly conscious of diversity and inclusivity, gender-neutral parenting has emerged as a powerful and transformative approach to raising children. Gone are the days when societal norms rigidly dictated what boys and girls should like, do, or aspire to be. Today, many parents are breaking free from those stereotypes and …

Bedtime Conversations

The Power of Bedtime Conversations: How Talking with Hitarth Eases My Parenting Journey

Parenting has its ups and downs, but I’ve found bedtime conversations with my son, Hitarth, to be a powerful tool that makes it easier and more rewarding. These precious moments of connection and communication with my son have brought me peace, deepened our bond, and provided valuable insights into his thoughts and emotions. In this …

sleep talk with kids

Sleep Talk with Kids: Ignite Confidence, Calm Challenges, & Nurture Happy Bedtimes

In today’s fast-paced world, where technology dominates our lives, it’s crucial to find meaningful ways to connect with our children. As a mother, I have discovered a remarkable practice called sleep talk with kids, which has not only strengthened the bond with my 4-year-old son, Hitarth but has also instilled discipline in our daily routine. …

screen time

Why Screen Time Isn’t That Bad for Kids: A Different Perspective!

As a parent, I understand the challenges and concerns that arise when it comes to managing screen time for children. In this blog post, I want to address the parents who are currently struggling with their kids’ screen usage and share my personal perspective on the matter. It’s important to note that while it is …

Strategies for Making School Enjoyable

Your Child Doesn’t Want to Go to School? Try This…

Is your child expressing reluctance or resistance when it comes to going to school? As a fellow parent, I understand the challenges that come with this situation. In this blog, I’ll share some real-life examples and personalized advice to help you navigate this common parenting struggle and make going to school a positive and enjoyable …

buying many toys

Facing Judgements for Buying Many Toys for Your Kids? Here’s An Eye-Opening Perspective…

In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind why some parents buy a large number of toys for their children and shed light on the developmental advantages it can offer. And buying many toys doesn’t mean those parents are not spending quality time with their kids. We’ll also discuss the importance of balance and …

Attachment Parenting & Sleep Training

Attachment Parenting & Sleep Training: Finding a Balance for Peaceful Nights

As parents, we all want those peaceful nights of sleep, but finding the right balance between attachment parenting and sleep training can be a challenge. Attachment parenting emphasizes a close, nurturing bond with your child, while sleep training focuses on promoting independent sleep skills. Is it possible to find a middle ground? Let’s explore this …

patience in kids

Parenting an Impatient Child? Here’s My Journey of Patience & Understanding!

Patience is a virtue that can greatly benefit children in various aspects of their lives. It helps them navigate challenges, make better decisions, and develop stronger relationships. However, teaching patience to a child can be quite a task, especially if they have a naturally impatient disposition. In this blog post, we will explore some helpful …