first time parents
Parenting Insights

Top 10 Parenting Tips For The First Time Parents || Guide By Manya

The arrival of a newborn in a family not only brings us a lot of joy, pleasure and blessings but also carries many queries, responsibilities and uncertainties in the mind of first-time parents. Don’t worry! You are not alone who dealing with such confusion. Just like we have learnt many things since childhood, we will learn parenting as well. It is not only the birth of a child but also a parent. You are also doing it for the first time. You only need to have some patience and don’t be harsh with yourself. No matter what! You are going to be an excellent parent. Here, I am sharing a few tips for first-time parents based on my personal experiences.

10 Parenting Tips for First Time Parents

Every Child is Different & Unique

When we listen to the advice of various people, we start comparing our children based on other children’s milestones. But I would like to recommend to all first-time parents that every child reaches those milestones at different weeks or ages. Therefore, you don’t need to stress yourself if your child is a bit slower than other children of the same period. i.g. a few children start walking and speaking earlier as compared to other children while a few show their intelligence at an early age. Similarly, the weight of every child depends on the weight at the time of birth and parents’ physic; highly active children usually gain less weight. So, my suggestion is for all first-time parents that you shouldn’t worry about those milestones if your child is healthy and active.

Your Child’s Safety Comes First

It’s your responsibility to make your home the safest place for your little munchkin. Make sure that no harmful things would appear in the reach of your child. You have to be mentally prepared for being a little restrictive for outsiders like maids or servants. Always try to be attentive that no harmful food, toxic or small-sized toy reach in the range of your child. If anyone in your home is a smoker, request them not to smoke inside the home at least. Also, read here about Effects of Gentle Parenting & Parents Mutual Relationship on Growing Children.

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Try to Think Like Your Child to Understand their Emotions

Do you remember your childhood? How excited you used to be for new toys, dresses and ice-creams! Have you been naughty and liked to disturb your parents or grandparents? Now, you are grown up, knowing the facts and logic of all those stupid acts. Gradually, Your children will learn it too. Don’t expect your child to always be in discipline.

Every child wants to be a star in their parents’ eyes and shows their mischievous attitude to grab the attention of strangers. Please don’t be angry with your child when they commit mistakes, behave mischievously or mess with the room or food. Sometimes, they only want to catch your attention. Don’t make them feel that they have to listen to you just because you are more powerful than them. Instead of getting angry, look at their innocence and cuteness. Let them do what they easily can do.

Be Humble and Mind your Words

You are the first teacher of your child. They learn everything from you, whether you know it or not. Your kindness and compliments both are important for your child’s growth. Your pleasant and humble behaviour can make this world a beautiful place for them to live. At the same time, your harsh words can harm their confidence and demotivate them. So, be aware of what you are showing and speaking in front of your kids. Always pick your words wisely while talking to your kids because you don’t want to discourage your child. It doesn’t seem nice when your child repeat those impolite words that she usually has been listening to from you, right?

Create Good Habits and Empathy in the Initial Age

The best age to teach your child empathy and good habits are before five years (though later is still not delayed). The question arises now how do you teach them good habits. The children usually mock their parents. Your lifestyle and words both influence your children. So, if you want your child to learn something, you have to include those good habits in your routine. i.e., if you want your child to brush twice a day, you, too, have to brush twice. If you want them to show empathy with animals, you have to show them how humble you are with the animals. So, the time we parents understand this, parenting will be much easier.

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Don’t Force Them to do Anything

If your child doesn’t listen to you, don’t panic, don’t be furious and don’t force them to follow the rules you make for them. Instead, you should be calm and composed. Try to spare a different time (i.e. bedtime is the best time to talk to your children) to make your child understand the importance of the task with logical reasons. They have the right to know the good causes behind all the good habits you want them to learn. Try to find some bedtime stories regarding the message you want to convey, if possible. The bedtime stories are the best way to tell your child the importance of good habits and humanity.

Always Listen to Your Child with Full Attention

Many times, children ask stupid questions or explain many irrelevant things. Those conversations could be ignored easily. But, do you ever think how important that talk might be for your child? Your child wants to talk to you because she discovers something different and exciting.

If you are inattentive to what they say, your ignoring behaviour could gradually turn your children’s personality into an introvert. They could feel negligible when failing to grab the attention of their parents. We, as parents, never want this for our child, right? So, always listen to your children carefully. Their sweet and innocent conversations might be insignificant for us but are highly valuable for the right development of our children.

Avoid the Use of Mobile or TV at Dining Time

Most parents nowadays are worried about the increasing screen time of their children. This habit builds up by us at an early age when we use mobile videos or cartoons so that our children would finish their food without any tantrums. But, unknowingly, it becomes their habit. They don’t eat anything until you don’t switch on their favourite cartoon or YouTube video. So, dear parents, kindly try to avoid this habit since childhood. Check out this blog about Interactive screen time to prevent speech and language delay in toddlers.

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Don’t Try to Be Super-mom; You Are Already One

Don’t forget that you are a human being, not a robot. Being a mother doesn’t mean that you must know everything. Raising a child is not your job alone. Talk to other family members about it and explain that you need their help. Don’t hesitate to take the help of others whenever you need it because your body needs to relax too.

You might need to adjust your sleep cycle according to your child’s sleep timing; your family members could help you take some rest. Your health is equally important as your child and other family members. I know it isn’t easy to manage, but you have to take care of your health, too, for bringing up a healthy baby.

Ask your Queries to Experienced Parents

For all first-time parents, it is important to ask questions and resolve all your queries regarding bringing up your child, even if the query seems stupid. You have not already learned everything. Experienced parents could help you with all your inquiry. Ask your parents, sisters or friends. It might sometimes seem silly, but don’t hesitate. The precise upbringing of your child is more important than what others think about your knowledge. You might join some parenting groups to ask such questions or take help from YouTube videos or different blogs.

I hope this article will make your journey as a first-time parent easy. In addition, it might help you understand how to bring up your child confidently and lovingly.

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