Parenting Insights

The Day My Child Ate Paper: A Wake-Up Call to Prioritize Presence Over Pursuit!

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles we take on in life. As mothers, we want to give our children the world, but sometimes we get caught up in the whirlwind of work and responsibilities that we unintentionally neglect the most precious people in our lives – our own kids.

That’s what happened to me when my son was 10 years old. I was so focused on building my career and caught up in the hustle that I didn’t realize how much I was missing out on being present for my child. Looking back, there were so many little moments and needs that I overlooked because work took priority.

It took a shocking incident at school to really wake me up. One day, the teachers called to say they caught my son eating paper scraps because he was hungry. At first I couldn’t understand why he would do that. But then I learned that it was his cafeteria lunch day, and instead of using his meal ticket, he had traded it with a friend to get some cool new cards he wanted. With no lunch money left, my hungry son resorted to eating paper just to get through the day.

That absolutely broke my heart. Here was my little boy, lacking something as basic as a meal, because he felt he couldn’t come to me about the cards he wanted so badly. If I had been more present and available for him, he would have felt comfortable expressing that simple desire to me instead of going hungry.

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The painful realization hit me that despite thinking I was being a good provider by working hard, I was actually depriving my son of quality time and emotional support that he desperately needed from his mom. No child should ever feel that starved for their parent’s attention.

Around that same time, I read the tragic news story of a child who took their own life, with lack of parental support and connection being a major factor. That really shook me to my core. I knew I had to change immediately before my own child felt that neglected.

While I can’t go back and undo my child’s younger years, I could start making every moment count going forward. From then on, I made it my mission to strike a healthier work-life balance, making my son’s needs and quality time together the top priority.

It took effort to undo bad habits, but I knew this was the most important work I would ever do – being a truly present, engaged parent for my child. I cut out unnecessary work obligations that stole me away from home. When I was with my son, I put away all digital distractions to give him my full attention. We had more open conversations about his life, feelings, and interests.

The rewards have been priceless. My relationship with my son is now so close and communicative. He knows without a doubt that I am always there for him with unlimited emotional support. For a child, that security means everything.

While work will always be a part of our lives as parents, it’s so important that we don’t lose sight of why we struggle so hard in the first place – to build a loving home and family. Our children should never have to fight for our affection or attention. They are precious gifts whose childhood is short and fleeting.

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To all the parents out there, let my story be a wake up call. No matter how busy life gets, never lose sight of being present and engaged with your kids in a meaningful way. The careers, money, and accomplishments won’t matter much if our children grew up feeling emotionally neglected and starved for our love. That’s something they’ll carry forever.

Make the priceless investment of giving your children quality time and making them feel truly cherished. Listen to their thoughts, support their innocentdreams, andslowly enjoy their childhood alongside them. The working world will never love you like your child does. Make sure you return that pure, unconditional love tenfold each day.

Our role as parents is simple – to nurture and love with all we’ve got. Don’t let your child’s childhood pass you by in a blur of work before it’s too late. I’m so grateful I course-corrected and can now embracemy son in the ways he needs most. I hope my story provides the same wake up call for you to invest wholeheartedly in your beautiful children, today.

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Nikki Khemka

Hey there! I'm Nikki Khemka, a nature-loving mom to a vibrant 10-year-old son, Subh. When I'm not dancing or exploring the great outdoors, I'm busy crafting natural solutions for hair and skincare through my brand, Subh Herbal. From battling post-pregnancy hair loss to becoming an award-winning entrepreneur, my journey is fueled by a passion for nature and a belief in the power of natural ingredients.

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1 Comment

  1. So well written and truly inspiring

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