You are connected
Her Journey


Whether it’s a social media status or a text nicely printed on a tee proudly flaunted, you can see (in fact, feel) these words everywhere.

My friend came back from a long trip, so I just went to her place to catch up. As soon as I reached her door, I could hear the heated argument going on between my friend and her thirteen-year-old son regarding some discipline issues. As I was already there, they just ended their discussion, and all I could hear at the end was, “It’s My Life, Mom, let me do whatever I want to do.”

Do these kids (called Gen Z) even know its meaning? Aren’t most of them using it just to defend themselves every time they are questioned about something or advised to improve their negative sides? It’s so easy to use certain words without even trying to understand their meaning. I have seen many posts these days on social media encouraging people to live their lives their own way, not to listen to anybody, or pointing out thoughts like, “It’s your life, and nobody has the right to interfere in it.” But is it right? Aren’t we connected to people around us? Is our life only ours?

We are social animals and are surrounded by people who love us. We need someone to share our thoughts with, to take care of us, and to love us. Then how can our decisions be just individual? Every act we do, every thought we produce impacts the people around us. We are answerable to our loved ones. We cannot be so selfish. We can’t move away just like that.

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It’s true, it’s our life, and we have the right to rule it, but sometimes what it means is entirely different. Agreed, some rules are baseless, and there are some people who try to be an unnecessary part of our lives even when we are not interested. Some are even toxic. But there are certain ways to keep them at bay. The kids should understand that they can control such negative people, and that’s totally fine. But to keep chanting this rant “My Life, My Rules” doesn’t help every time. It can be an escape from laziness to avoid their responsibilities.

Certain rules made by others are important for our own growth. It becomes mandatory sometimes to follow these rules made by our family, society, or the government to live our life more worthily. Using certain words without knowing the collateral damage they can do seems slightly churlish to me. We can’t be so discourteous.

Just remember, even when a child takes birth, they are ‘CONNECTED’ with the umbilical cord of their mother. Even after coming out of a mother’s womb, the child should feel safe and protected. Children should not forget that they live with people who love them, care for them, and that every single act done by them connects with their family both physically and emotionally.

So next time they choose to follow “It’s My Life, My Rules,” please make sure to tell them that their rules should not leave a negative impact on their life as well as the lives connected to them.

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Someone has wisely quoted:

“You are free to choose, but you are not free to alter the consequences of your decisions.”

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