potty training
Parenting Insights

Top 10 Potty Training Challenges Faced By Toddler Parents – How to Solve Them

Transitioning your toddler from diapers to using the toilet can be a daunting challenge. If you are a toddler parent struggling through the potty-training phase, know that you are not alone. More than eighty per cent of parents face difficulties in toilet training. Experts say that most problems that parents face in potty training are common, and the good news is that there are solutions for almost all potty-training challenges. The trick is to stay calm and look for answers. That way, you and your toddler can both successfully complete potty training with no tears!

Here’s a list of the ten most common potty-training problems that all parents face and their solutions. Let’s take a look –

Your Child Has Accidents

PROBLEM – The first step in potty training is to leave your child without a diaper, at least during the day. Toddlers who are not used to staying without diapers are likely to have accidents, especially in the first few days.

SOLUTION – When your child has an accident, treat them lightly and don’t get upset. Tell them calmly that they should not pee anywhere else but in the toilet. Toddlers who get punished or scolded for accidents take longer to complete toilet training.

Your Child Thinks They May get Sucked into the toilet

PROBLEM – The sound of rushing water that follows a flush may scare your child. When they see things disappearing down the drain, they may fear being sucked into it themselves. Also, check here some Mental Health Activities To Do With Children to Strengthen Child’s Mind.

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SOLUTION – Acknowledge the fear, no matter how childish it seems. Allow them to control the flush with their own hands, and let them flush pieces of toilet paper to understand how a toilet works. If the problem persists, try using a stand-alone potty seat or a small potty seat that can be kept on top of a regular toilet.

Your Child Does Not Recognize the Urge to Pee

PROBLEM – Sometimes, children recognize the need to go potty but still don’t recognize the urge to urinate. Leaking urine is typical among children learning to use the toilet.

SOLUTION – Even after learning to control their bowel movements, they may still be learning bladder control. Keep an eye on when your child urinated last and keep track of their liquid intake. That way, you will be able to anticipate their need to pee. When you think it is time, ask them, “Do you need to pee?” It will help your child recognize the urge to urinate. Do not reduce your child’s liquid intake at this time.

Your Son Sits Down to Urinate

PROBLEM – Little boys find it difficult to urinate standing up on their own. In the beginning, they may be more comfortable sitting down while urinating.

SOLUTION – Until your son learns bladder control, allow them to sit and urinate. As time passes, he can learn to urinate standing up. He may also pick up the habit on his own when he sees other male family members doing it.

Your Child Resists Going to The Toilet

PROBLEM – Your little one resists going to the toilet and shows no interest in the toilet. It could be because they are not ready for potty training yet. Readiness for potty training is essential for ease of toilet training.

SOLUTION – Hold off on potty training for some time and look for signs of readiness in your child. Showing an interest in using the toilet, asking about the toilet, hiding during bowel movements, and letting you know about a soiled diaper are signs of readiness for potty training.

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Your Child Goes Potty Only with One Person

PROBLEM – Children grow dependent on one person in the early stages of their potty training and insist on using the toilet only with that person. It could be their mother, father, or caregiver.

SOLUTION – If your child insists on going potty with only you, gradually withdraw yourself from the process. Walk them to the toilet and help them undress but then wait outside the door. Introduce a sticker reward system for going to the potty independently.

Your child has a Bowel Movement or Urinates as Soon as You Take Them Off the Toilet

PROBLEM – Some children don’t understand when to control their bowel movement or urine in the first few days and when to let go. That’s why you may find that they have a bowel movement or pee right after being taken off the toilet. It can get frustrating for parents and children when this happens.

SOLUTION – It is natural for the child to take some time to understand the process of using a toilet, including when to relax the bladder muscles. Be patient with your child and allow them some time to learn. If the problem persists, then your child may not be ready for potty training.

Your Child is Falling Back to the Habit of Diapers

PROBLEM – When children are stressed about something, they may respond by regressing to old habits. It may also mean that your child starts to refuse to use the toilet and insists on wearing diapers again.

SOLUTION – Stressful circumstances such as an illness, injury, or a significant change in a toddler’s life may be the reason for your child’s regression. Be patient and allow your child some time. Do not punish or scold a child undergoing such a regression. It should pass with time.

Your Child Tries to Touch or Play with the Faeces

PROBLEM – A child’s curiosity may urge them to touch or play with their faeces while using the toilet. This is an unclean thing to do and needs to be discouraged.

SOLUTION – Do not scold or punish your child for their natural curiosity about the potty. But prevent them from touching it by saying, “This is not something to play with.”

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Your Child Does Not Show any Interest in the toilet

PROBLEM – Children who are beginning to show other signs of readiness for potty training, including staying dry for long periods, should also be interested in the toilet. If they don’t do so, potty training may be difficult.

SOLUTION – Provoke your child’s interest in the toilet by getting them their own tiny potty seat. Reward them for using the toilet and talk to them about how everyone else in the family goes to the bathroom.

Potty training your toddler can be simple if you recognize the signs and only begin when your child is ready. Every child takes their own time learning these skills, so remember to be patient and supportive.

Author Bio

Neha Divan, a toddler-mom works as part of the content team at SuperBottoms, a baby product brand that develops innovative and sustainable products, like the No.1 best-selling reusable cloth diapers in India. She is passionate about empowering parents with her content to help make parenting a little easier and a lot more fun. She often writes from first-hand experience and has a knack for presenting her ideas clearly which lets her readers connect with her content. Art & craft are her things and she also loves coming up with fun and healthy recipes for kids.

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Namita Aggarwal

I'm a full-time mom and part-time blogger who loves taking care of my 5-year-old and sharing my thoughts through writing. Between the busy moments of motherhood, I find time to connect with other parents through my blog and online communities. I believe sharing real parenting stories and wisdom can help more than general advice, and this is what I try to do through my blog, encouraging parents to join in and share their experiences. I also enjoy teaching art to kids, helping them explore their creativity with colors and shapes.

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