You may never find freedom as a mother. For some reason, you will find such people who will remind you that you are a mother, and you can’t do this or do that. So, here’s a collection of my Freedom Wishes that I really want to get one day. But before sharing these, there is …
Skin Rashes In Babies – 5 Major Causes & Care Tips To Prevent Them
Our precious babies deserve the best care each of us can provide. This is particularly important when it comes to their sensitive skin to protect them from irritation, flares and rashes. They also need good established care routines to enable them to develop healthy and supple skin. There are several reasons that cause skin rashes …
Is Your Toddler An Introvert? || Tips For Parents To Raise An Introvert Child
The world is filled with extroverts. Doesn’t your child want to mix with society and is an introverted kid? While other kids love playing in the play zone, does your child like to stay close to you? If the answer is ‘yes’, I can understand what kind of concerns you are facing while raising an …
Best Fiverr Gigs & Services That A Mom Blogger Can Buy And Sell
Every mother understands that a little extra cash goes a long way when it comes to maintaining a family. But, on the other hand, Moms are so busy that we barely have time to look after ourselves. So, how will we make extra money while taking care of the kids? My name is Namita, a …
Worry Not, If You Are Travelling With Kids – Here Are Some Tips & Tricks
Travelling with kids of less than five years would be a harrowing experience, especially when you are travelling alone with them and the long flight journeys for the first-time mommies. But, if we are well prepared, the travel will be easy peasy. I travelled to Los Angeles with my 11-month-old daughter, 23 hours altogether, and …
Storytelling For Kids – Why Is It The Most Important Part Of Routine?
Kids, they’re strangely the tornadoes which bring pleasure to your life! While they can make you tired and sleepy, they can also make it so hard for you to get them to sleep! There comes the traditional, and a forever, and ofcourse their favorite way, to put your children to sleep, STORYTELLING FOR KIDS. Contents1 …
Chapter 5 : Finally, What Have We Ascertained?
Contents1 Let’s teach the youth in a better way: What is failure?2 Motive And Aim3 Trying Is Important4 What To Do If You Are Stressed?5 Lifeline6 Concluding words from the author Let’s teach the youth in a better way: What is failure? Failure implies the failed attempt to understand the concept of environmental pressure or …
Top Safe Exercises During Pregnancy for a Healthy Mom and Baby
Did you know that staying active during pregnancy can make your journey smoother and healthier? Regular exercise boosts energy, strengthens muscles, and enhances heart and lung health, making daily tasks easier. And for moms-to-be, it’s even more crucial! Safe exercises during pregnancy not only keep you fit but also prepare your body for a smoother …
Scolding a Child & Regretting? How I Broke the Cycle and Became a Calmer Parent!
Yes, I regret it a lot. Because sometimes, out of frustration and tiredness, I scold my seven months old son. But later on, I regret and wish I could rewind time and handle the situation with patience. Many of us vow not to yell at our kids after reading parenting blogs and articles. But is …
Probiotics For Babies – When To Introduce & Its Safety & Benefits
You must be hearing a lot about Probiotics these days and see these in infant formulas and other supplements, too. Nevertheless, you might be confused about what they really are, what they do, and whether they are really necessary and safe for your baby? Being a parent, all these questions arising in your mind are …