Act of kindness
Parenting Insights

Twin Babies👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼… Act of Kindness Starts At Home!

Well, it is a hell of a task to raise twin babies, especially when one is a boy and the other is a girl. Like other moms, I too often encourage my 17-month-old toddlers the act of kindness. I have been looking around for ways to encourage my kids to be nicer to friends & families, which will help them better understand the real meaning of Random Act of kindness for kids.

Being a mom of a baby boy and a baby girl, I have realized that girls are better social human beings who react much faster to the outer world and learn kindness for kids.

Tips To Teach Children Act of Kindness

Sharing a few ideas of Random Act of Kindness for kids, which I have experienced & taught my toddlers at home, which can also be adopted by all moms reading the post.


Most simple & effective, Rysha (my baby girl) often looks at Ryan (my baby boy) and smiles, brightening Ryan’s face. (Tip-you can switch sibling with a friend or cousin)

Help Your Babysitter

Both my kids often help their babysitter with little chores like picking up their own toys and putting them back to their respective places. It will encourage them to be better independent individuals.

Sibling Chores

Rysha often helps Ryan to clean his face. For example, after finishing her own meal, when being asked, she grabs a hankey and cleans her brother’s face, which helps their bond to be stronger.

Spend Time With Grandparents

They spend atleast an hour daily playing & dancing with their grandparents (Try this out, guys trust me the elderly Love this part of their day). Sharing siblings of exactly the same age, Ryan Rysha share their toys, clothes & chocolates.

Feed Birds

As we all know how important sunlight is for kids as it provides them with vitamins, so its a part of their routine in the morning time to feed the birds at the terrace of our house in its own way, a unique way of kindness with kids it brings a lot of joy on their faces and teaches them how to be friendly with the nature and nurture their health with vitamin E in the same time is.

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Watering Plants

Water, my god, brings immense happiness to my kid’s faces. I guess it’s one of their Random favorite acts of kindness where they water the plant and help them grow, and at the same time, they enjoy each moment being around water, splashing a little on each other’s face & the plants too.

Why It Is Important?

Random act of kindness is all about spreading Love everywhere. My little toddlers, who are just 17months old, unknowingly keep spreading Love all the time since they are twins; Rysha (my baby girl) often goes hugs & kisses Ryan(my baby boy). These little ones have no idea this is the best way to pursue an act of kindness towards your siblings; on the other hand, as parents, it is a treat to our eyes to watch such moments, which is also an act of kindness where our little toddlers rejoice our heart with so much of Love every time ❤️

I would love to share another Random act of kindness that I have often noticed at my house when I hand over both my kids. For example, I see a few biscuits in their hands. Then, I see them passing one of the biscuits to their babysitter by calling her name Anjali didi.

As parents, it is so satisfactory to watch your kids learn such beautiful random acts of kindness at home it sometimes makes you believe that you as a mother provide good parenting to your kids.

As a mother of two, I have realized that you have to be a perfect role model for your kids to make them learn good habits and indulge in more and more acts of kindness.

Most importantly, the best part about doing random acts of kindness is once your kid starts doing it, there’s no end to it. Then, as they keep growing, they will realize how much fun it is to do it!! Also, check out this blog on Building Parenting Skills At Different Stages.

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Benefits of Teaching Act of Kindness

Focusing on random acts of kindness for kids right from the early stage of toddlers or preschoolers can be life-changing for you and your family. It will provide them with multiple benefits like-

A. They will always be well-mannered kids.

B. They will always be more socially accepted ones.

C. They will always be connected to their roots.

”Random Act of kindness is an essential aspect of upbringing a child”

In our day-to-day life, we dont even realize the simple activities our kids perform, which are a great act of kindness. So we just need to be a little alert and properly guide them to grab the importance of ‘Random act of kindness for kids’ & raise them to be good human beings.

Note 1

Kids may be tiny, but they can make a big difference in the world by doing these simple acts of service!!

Children are naturals when it comes to doing these little acts of kindness. They dont even realize they are doing it with so much courage & honesty. They perform these acts of kindness with unconditional Love ❤️

These small acts of service and random acts of kindness for kids can make a huge difference for both the giver & the receiver.

My favorite act of kindness performed by both my kids is whenever their dad reaches home after office. The calling bell rings, both of them run towards the door and start calling ‘papa.’ No wonder my husband is on cloud 9 to listen to them calling papa with lovely smiles on their face no matter how tired he is. These act of kindness, I guess, not only by our kids but almost all the kids, recharges all your body and takes away all the tiredness😊

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Note 2

These Random act of kindness for kids is performed by almost every little one and can be expected from a child from a very early stage where we as parents ask our kids to hug us.

  • A hug from your child is the ultimate kindness!!
  • It shows they are thinking about you and they love you!!
  • Random Act of kindness will help your child build a good mental health

Act of kindness for kids from a very early stage will help them grow as genuinely warm & caring individuals & find it easy to empathize with others as they grow up.

Last but not least, I would like to say if your child wants to make a difference, then why not suggest they try some of the above-mentioned real-life experiences of ‘Random acts of kindness for kids’!!

I hope it helps all you moms out there to raise good loving individuals😊. Simple ways of sharing joy & happiness known as ‘Random Act Of Kindness For Kids

When you see your kids sharing & learning such activities in this selfish world, you feel like it’s already an achievement!!

Go Mothers, Help your Toddles spread Love everywhere by means of ‘Act of Kindness’ & embrace your parenting journey because this is just the beginning!!! Also, read, How to talk to your children about conflict and war?

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