self affirmations

How Self – Affirmation Works & How It Helped Me As A Mother!

When I woke up this morning and began to think about what I would write today, one of the first things that came to mind was the significance of self-affirmations, particularly for those of us who are mothers. So, let’s start this discussion by defining exactly what we mean when we say “Affirmation.” An affirmation …

Cold and Cough In Kids

Cold and Cough In Kids – Tried & Tested Effective Remedies!

I very well understand that dealing with cold and cough in kids is too hard to witness. And we tend to visit the chemist or the doctor to let our kids have peaceful breathing & sleep. But you must know that over-the-counter (OTC) medications for colds & coughs in kids can have serious adverse effects …

personalized gifts for kids

10 Best Personalised Gifts For Kids – Make The Presents Special & Unique

Kids love having their own things, undoubtedly. Giving them personalized presents can be so sentimental and at the same time beautiful and loving. Everyone has experienced the situation where their children start fighting over a toy, each yelling, “that’s mine!” and the other shouting back, “No, it’s mine!” You can end those arguments with personalized …

make mone online as a mom

Kids Are In School & You Got Time To Make Money Online As A Mom!

Cooking, cleaning, running errands, and sending kids to school are all done without a paycheck. Wouldn’t it be nice to earn some extra money to help with household expenses or maybe just for satisfaction that you do something which in return pay something (obviously in cash)? So, here in this blog, I will share some …

छोटा सा प्रयास न कहना हक मेरा भी है।

 मां हैं तो भी न कहना सही है, औरत हैं तो भी न करना गलत नहीं। बेटी हूं पर वही बंद मुट्ठी लिए जन्मी हूं, बहन के रूप में भी बालिका मैं एक बालक ही हूं। बहु हूं तो चाहतीं समान मैं भी हूं, दामाद के ससुराल सा ससुराल मेरा भी हो। कभी मां के …

reading skills

How to Help a Struggling Reader: Practical Tips on Improving Reading Skills

Reading is a crucial skill that enables kids to access new information and ideas as well as develop personally, intellectually, and professionally. Without strong reading skills, it’s nearly impossible for students to succeed in school, career, and life after graduation. This is why there’s no denying the importance of reading for students at any age. …

summer vacations

How to Make Summer Vacations Fun for Kids? Tips By Divya Bhatia!

It’s time to return to childhood, to simplicity, to running and climbing and laughing in the sunshine, to experiencing happiness instead of being trained for a lifetime of happiness. It’s time to let children be children again.” ~ LR KNOST As the summer holidays have begun, it is time for us parents to make the …

self discipline

Should Self Discipline & Punishment Be Understood As Synonyms?

As a parent we have discussed that self-discipline isn’t controlling your ward, instead, it’s guiding a child towards betterment. To control oneself is what discipline means. Kids are better equipped during competition and challenges when they learn self-discipline and control. Following a healthy lifestyle and stress management are the features of a lifetime achievement. A …