teenage crush

Teenage Crush: How to Help Your Teen Navigate First Love

Teenage years are a rollercoaster of emotions, self-discovery, and new experiences—one of which is the teenage crush phase. As parents, it’s natural for us to feel concerned. On one hand, we understand that having a teenage crush is a normal part of growing up. But on the other, we worry: Will this affect their studies? …

Positive Reinforcement in Child Development

The Role of Positive Reinforcement in Child Development: A Mom’s Journey

As a mother of a spirited 4-year-old girl, I’ve discovered a secret weapon in my parenting arsenal: positive reinforcement. It’s not just a fancy term child psychologists throw around; it’s a game-changer in how we raise our kids. Let me take you through my personal journey of using positive reinforcement in child development and how …

get your child-to-listen

How I Learned to Stop Raising My Voice and Got My 4-Year-Old to Listen

I’ve been there—standing by the door, backpack in one hand, shoes in the other, trying to convince my 4-year-old that it’s time to just get in the car already! You stay calm at first, but when the clock’s ticking and the resistance continues, your voice gets louder. And then comes that awful feeling—guilt. You think, …

keeping a clean home with kids

Keeping a Clean Home with Kids: My Journey of Managing Chaos and Clutter!

Hey there, fellow moms! I’m Anisha, and I’m here to share my journey of keeping a clean home with kids while raising my adorable (and oh-so-messy) 6-year-old daughter, Aisha. If you’re reading this, you’re probably drowning in toys and wondering if you’ll ever see your floor again. Don’t worry, I’ve been there (and some days, …

Overcome insecurity in kids

How I Helped My Daughter & How You Can Overcome Insecurity in Kids!

Parenting is a journey filled with moments of joy, learning, and sometimes challenges that test your patience and creativity. And one of the most significant is learning how to overcome insecurity in kids without making them feel pressured or judged. A few years ago, when my daughter turned 11, we faced one such challenge. She …

palm oil in kids' food

Palm Oil in Kids’ Food: Why You Should Care and How to Make Healthier Choices

As parents, we always want to give our kids the healthiest and most nutritious food. But what if I told you that palm oil in kids’ food is more common than you think? From breakfast cereals to pancake mixes, bread, and even snacks, palm oil is everywhere. Unfortunately, it’s not the healthiest option for our …

Homework Help with Multiple Kids

Mastering Homework Help with Multiple Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Success

As a mom of two, balancing homework help with multiple kids can feel like running between stations at a train terminal – a hectic juggling act! There are days when my older child, Rohan, is tackling schoolwork that requires focus, while my younger one, Tara, is determined to show me her latest Play-Doh creation. This …

Insta Parenting App

The Insta Parenting App: A Screen-Free Way to Enrich Your Child’s Learning

Like many parents today, I try to limit Hitarth’s exposure to screens. He watches TV for no more than an hour, in intervals, and we avoid mobile screens entirely. Still, I’m always on the lookout for engaging yet educational activities that can stimulate his mind and help him grow. That’s when I discovered Insta Parenting …

teen parenting

How a Simple Misunderstanding Turned Into a Big Lesson for My Teen Son and Me

Being a mom to a teenager can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. Just when you think you’ve got everything figured out, a little misunderstanding can throw you off balance. Recently, I had one of those moments with my 14-year-old son, Kiyansh, and it turned into a big lesson for both of us. The Incident: …