healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling
Parenting Insights

Best & Healthy Snacks For Toddlers To Carry While Traveling

We all want to take a break from our daily routine and travel. But we don’t think of traveling, because we have a little kid home. And the thoughts came; What if we are unable to manage our kid during traveling? What if he didn’t get good nutritional food and he fell sick? Let me tell you; these were the old talks. Nowadays it’s so easy to travel with kids if we are well prepared. It’s essential to carry healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling because it serves the purpose of nourishment, tantrum dealing, and substituting snacks or meals that the kid might miss. If they eat external food, they sometimes might face constipation, so try to keep some fruits like banana, apple, papaya, mango with you.

Now, don’t think much; make plans, pack your bags and go for a vacation. It’s completely safe to travel with toddlers. And if you are still anxious about nutritional value, don’t worry; this article is all about healthy snacks for toddlers you will need while traveling.

List of Healthy Snacks for Toddlers While Traveling

Nestle Cerelac Baby Cereal

healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling

Nestle cerelac baby cereals are rich in iron and serve at least 75% need for babies in two serves. It alone is the source of 19 nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. This pack is for babies of age from 6 months to 12 months, but it is also available for other age groups. You can select accordingly. It has the goodness of milk, fruits, and cereals, and your child will love it. It is delicious and is the best snack for toddlers as it works both as nutritional food & healthy snacks for toddlers. Babies can consume it as it is or with milk; it all depends on the taste of your child. It’s easy to carry while traveling, and if your child likes to have it with milk, you can opt for powdered milk.

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Dry Fruits & Seeds Powder

healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling

Dry fruit seed powder is very nutritional as it is a freshly prepared mixture of 7 dry fruits and seeds. It acts as a healthy snack for toddlers. We can mix it with any food like porridges, milk, smoothies, morning breakfast of oats, etc., to make food tasty and healthful. It is a nutrient booster and will help on a trip to maintain your child’s health. It contains watermelon seeds, walnuts, cashew, almond, pista, pumpkin seeds, lotus seeds, and nothing else.

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Moreover, it is a 100% junk-free product with no preservatives, no artificial flavors, no refined sugar, and no milk. Being all-natural, it also does not have any salt or sugar. Inspired by ancient Indian superfoods, it is a simple recipe and has minimal processing.

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Slurrp Farm Tasty Mighty Puff

Yummy chocolate-flavored mighty puffs contain ragi and jowar and are 100% natural. These puffs are not fried, don’t have any maida, and are low on sugar. These are cheap and healthy. You can serve these puffs as breakfast with milk. It comes in 3 exciting flavors, including choco ragi, tangy tomato, cheese, and herbs. Only the best ingredients and it is manufactured with lots of love. I must say, slurrp farm has various healthy snacks for toddlers which you can consider carrying while traveling. Here are the Must Have Essentials While Traveling With Babies To Have an Enjoyable Trip.

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Real Fruit Power

healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling

Natural homemade fruit juice is best for children, but we can’t carry that everywhere we go. For that, we got a supplement known as real fruit power. It is available in various flavors. It is vital to keep the child hydrated with water and fruit juices, and this real fruit juice will help in the same and will also be available in most of the places you will go. Moreover, it is delicious, and your child will love it. It has no added color or preservatives and will give most of the nutrients to the child which he requires. It is a very refreshing juice and has guavas which are very good for the digestive system.

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Teos Nutri Pops Roasted Makhana Snacks

Roasted makhanas are very healthy, and you must keep them with you while traveling. They are delicious with healthiness and can be eaten in between meals. It has the goodness of fox nut and is best for hunger pangs that make it the best snack for toddlers. It is easy to carry and, being non-messy food, kids can eat it anywhere. The snacks come in different flavors, and children love them. It is crispy and is a rich source of protein and fibers. It is free from sulfates and parabens and has minerals like iron, calcium, and phosphate. They also help to reduce damage to the cells of the body.

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Nutryganic Roasted Makhana

healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling

These Rock salt and pepper flavored roasted makhana are tossed in olive oil. They are low in fat, sodium, and cholesterol and are vegan. This gluten-free snack has many health benefits as well as it is easy to carry. These are high in protein and are rich in antioxidants. It has calcium, and its health benefits are even more than that of almonds. It is high in fiber and low in calories. They are roasted, not fried, and deal with hunger very well. So, aren’t these the best healthy snacks for toddlers?

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Alpino Natural Peanut Butterhealthy snacks for toddlers while traveling

Alpino’s natural peanut butter is unsweetened and is made up of 100% roasted peanuts. It is a healthy snack for toddlers with 30% protein, and 0% added sugar, added salt, and hydrogenated oil. Non-GMO peanut butter is gluten-free and vegan. Peanut butter helps boost energy and to remain active all day. It assists in maintaining weight and is not only healthy for babies but all age groups. To consume, spread it on bread, put in fruits or salads, or add it into a smoothie. It will fulfill the needs of vitamin E, B3, and B6 of your child. It is rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, etc. If you have this with you, you won’t need to worry even if your child misses a one-time meal.

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Early Foods Organic Ragi & Amaranth Jaggery Cookies

You must have these healthy and tasty biscuits with you while traveling. It has no refined sugar, no maida, and no eggs. Only wholesome ingredients that our grandma used to serve are used in it. It is the perfect combination of health and taste. With the sweetness of jaggery, this healthy snack is amazing for your toddlers to grow happily. It is entirely junk-free with 100% cow butter and no hydrogenated or trans fat. 100% 0rganic early food cookies are considered the best snack for toddlers. It will help both in nourishment and tantrum dealing and help if a child misses any meal.

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Del Monte Premium Pitted California Prunes Healthy Snack

healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling

These California prunes have a tangy and sweet flavor. Firstly, kids can munch it anytime, or you can add them in salad and smoothies. Secondly, it is a healthy option as it is rich in nutrients and dietary fiber. With low fat and without dietary sugar, it is a source of potassium. It can be best for dealing with tantrums and healthy snacks for toddlers while traveling. Here are some of the Best Travel Toys To Occupy Your Toddler On A Plane.

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Timios Nutty Bar For Toddlers

The most trusted food brand, timios, has manufactured these delicious nutty bars only from natural ingredients with a meager amount of salt and sugar. It has no preservatives or unwanted additives. It is suitable for kids of age 4+ to give them the natural energy they need. Timios bar comes in two flavors, one of which is timios nutty bar, rich in protein. Another flavor is timios berry bar which is rich in antioxidants. Being a perfect snack for toddlers is highly nutritious and will also deal with our little champ’s tantrums. It has goodness of roasted almonds, cashews, oats, dates, malt extracts, honey, and rice crispies. It has quality nuts and is also easy to carry while traveling.

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These were the best & healthy snacks for toddlers to carry while traveling. It won’t be easy to take whole boxes or packets with you because you also have to carry other things. So for that, it will be better to pack these things in small pouches. This will help you to be non-messy and organized. And if you have two kids, don’t forget to fill two packets of the same quantity to avoid a fight. Click to buy jars or pouches.

Moreover, don’t forget to keep sanitizers, hand towels, wipes, paper napkins, and disposable glass and plates handy. I wish you an incredible journey!

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Namita Aggarwal

I'm a full-time mom and part-time blogger who loves taking care of my 5-year-old and sharing my thoughts through writing. Between the busy moments of motherhood, I find time to connect with other parents through my blog and online communities. I believe sharing real parenting stories and wisdom can help more than general advice, and this is what I try to do through my blog, encouraging parents to join in and share their experiences. I also enjoy teaching art to kids, helping them explore their creativity with colors and shapes.

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