When my baby was born, a whole new world opened up for me – one filled with immense joy, love, and challenges. Between the endless night feedings, diaper changes, and getting used to my new identity, I found solace in an unexpected creative outlet – jewelry making. With just a month to learn the craft while staying at my mom’s house, I immersed myself in the world of beads, strings, and intricate designs. It was a welcome escape, a chance to nurture a part of myself that had nothing to do with being a mother.
What started as just a way to pass the time soon blossomed into a full-blown passion. Before I knew it, my bedroom was overflowing with colorful strands and my mind constantly dreaming up new designs. Making those bracelets gave me a sense of purpose and creative freedom during those hazy newborn days.
Upon returning to my husband’s place, I excitedly shared my dreams of turning this hobby into a business venture. Though my mother-in-law raised her eyebrows skeptically at the idea of me trying to turn this into an actual business, my husband offered his unwavering support and encouragement.
Nevertheless, after three months of careful planning, discussions, and negotiating the intricate family dynamics, the seeds of my entrepreneurial journey were sown, and House of Naz was born.
I live in a joint family, but I shoulder the sole responsibility of caring for my child. Despite being surrounded by relatives, no one offers to help. Many nights, I find myself in tears before finally drifting off to sleep, while on others, sleep eludes me entirely. With a corporate job from 10 AM to 7 PM, I started my own business, squeezing household chores into the evening hours from 7 PM to 10 PM. After putting my baby to bed, I work through the night until 4 AM, before finally catching a few hours of sleep and waking up at 8 AM to resume my household duties until 10 AM.
The first year of juggling momlife and entrepreneurship was not easy though. Some days I felt like throwing in the towel because the exhaustion and demands were too overwhelming. Between the around-the-clock nursing, cooking, cleaning, and maintaining a traditional household, I constantly questioned how I’d ever find time or energy for my creative work. My mother-in-law, steeped in traditional ways, often prioritized the domestic duties over my business ambitions.
I also faced a steep learning curve trying to understand pricing, marketing, and all the nuances of the jewelry industry as a total newbie. There were moments of complete frustration when designs didn’t come out right or I struggled to figure out where and how to invest in supplies. As a new mom with limited mobility, I couldn’t take advantage of many growth opportunities like trunk shows or maker markets either.
Some weeks, creating consistently for my Instagram page felt like a desperate uphill battle amidst the chaos. But I refused to give up on myself and my dreams.
“Initially, no one recognized me as a brand,” I recall. “It’s a common phenomenon that strangers often become customers quicker than friends do.”
Undeterred by these obstacles, I seized every opportunity to showcase my talents. The turning point came when I worked up the courage to showcase my jewelry at a local community fair. As anxious as I felt behind my little booth for the first time, watching people’s eyes light up with delight at my colorful beaded designs gave me a massive confidence boost. By the end of that day, I had completely sold out of inventory – a remarkable feeling! Suddenly, strangers were becoming customers and validating my work in a way that my inner circle couldn’t yet grasp.
In the ever-evolving digital age, I found a powerful ally in social media, specifically Instagram. By connecting with other business owners, seeking collaborations, and leveraging the power of shoutouts, I steadily grew my online presence and fan base. Instagram became a platform for not only showcasing my creations but also for fostering a community of like-minded individuals and potential customers.
Now, one year into this crazy journey of mom entrepreneurship, I’m proud to say my jewelry business is thriving! While being a wife, mom and business owner is still an unrelenting juggling act, I’ve found my groove and identified a stream of income that lights me up creatively. My bracelets are how I funnel my passion into a sustainable career on my own terms.
The path hasn’t been easy, but looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. If you’re a new mom seeking an outlet or stream of income that allows you to spark your skills and independence, I cannot encourage you enough to take that first leap of faith! There will be endless demands on your time, dozens of skeptics telling you you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, and guaranteed moments of feeling like you’re in over your head. But stay focused on your bigger WHY, continue honing your craft, and watch how that inner fire and creative hustle can spark outlasting opportunity.
We mothers are extraordinary multi-taskers, and you’d be amazed by what you can manifest when challenging circumstances force you to dig deeper than you ever imagined possible. Have faith in your talents, find your supportive mom tribe, and let your passion be the guiding force – great things await!
You can follow along with my sparkly journey on Instagram @houseofnaz__ and support my endeavors.
Note from the Blog Owner:
Since it’s Women’s Month, I’d love to use my platform to promote and uplift women entrepreneurs. If you have a business you’d like me to feature, please share your journey with me through DM on my Instagram..
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Worth loving, Inspiring mommy with a beautiful smile on her face. Keep budding 💕🧿