Parenting Insights

Trust The Lord and His Ways – He Doesn’t Turn Away From Our Pain

Our family got complete with the birth of my younger one. Though I really wanted a baby girl as I already have an elder son, it was his will to give me the most beautiful gift called ‘Saifuddin.’

Absolutely normal delivery and no complications at all. My bundle of joy was in my hands within no time. It all went well until the 3rd day the Pediatrician told us he could hear slight murmuring in his heart. He told us it’s quite normal and may even go away after 8 days, but unfortunately, it didn’t go; on the contrary, it was quite evident.

We consulted the Pediatrician again, and this time he asked us to go for 2 D echo reports. Believe me; I didn’t know what a 2 D echo report was. All I could sense was trouble. I had barely started enjoying motherhood. I wanted to cry aloud, but I had to be strong. The 2 D echo appointment was taken, and the reports said he had a hole in his heart and one of the valves was narrow. Since none of the family members had any such issue before, we were extremely panicked.

With little knowledge about it, I ran towards my Pediatrician again. He calmly explained about the VSD. He said the hole was 4.8 mm, which meant we had slight chances of it getting closed on its own as he grows big. Luckily we fell in the category which said the chances are bright if the hole is less than 5 mm. He asked me to relax and enjoy a normal childhood, but tension gripped us when he said if god forbid the hole didn’t close, the only option was Surgery.

As a mother, I was completely shattered.

Days passed, and he was 9 months old. There were no complications except that he wasn’t putting on weight. I was very sure by now the hole must have closed. My faith in him was very strong. We had to repeat the 2D echo again after he turned one. There was a wedding in the family, and we thoroughly enjoyed forgetting everything but the happiness was short-lived. The 2 D echo reports weren’t that good. We went to several Dr’s, and the only option was Surgery. Luckily we were financially stable to bear the cost of the Surgery.

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Days were tough; I had to stop weaning immediately. The thought of Surgery brought jitters to my body. My little child, who is so innocent, cute, and delicate, had to undergo such a big Surgery. Somehow I prepared myself for it. This time I was strong. I don’t know how I gathered that courage. He was admitted to Kokila Ben Hospital, and we were asked to stay with him 24*7.

After marriage for the first time, my husband and I spend so much time together holding each other’s hand giving support to each other. It wasn’t easy. We missed my elder one, who was barely 5 and had to stay away from us. Since ours is a joint family, everything was managed.

Several people were praying for him. My religious belief was very strong. I knew Prayers and Medicines both would work wonders. We were lucky enough that the Surgery was done the very next day. There were so many patients in the pipeline for the Surgery, but it seems we were lucky enough.

Those 6.5 hours of open-heart surgery were the most critical hours of our life. Our eyes patiently waited for the Dr’s to come and tell us that the Surgery was good. I wanted to hold him, hug him, kiss him, cuddle him, but I had to wait. Those hours made me realize a lot. No matter what, “TRUST HIM AND HIS WAYS.” He was the one who got my son back hale and hearty.

Post-operative care was even more critical. He was in ICU under observation, and we were allowed to see him only twice a day for few seconds. Tears roll down my eyes as I pen this. It wasn’t easy to see your child with tunes attached and so many monitoring devices. We impatiently waited for 6 am and 6 pm. After 3 days, he was shifted to Mother Care ICU Ward, where only the mother was allowed to stay with the child.

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Obviously, my husband had to stay alone in the Waiting area. It was extremely difficult. I could manage because my child was with me, but he was all alone, waiting every moment for me to come out of this ward. It was a tough phase as the Saline IVs attached to him got off repeatedly because of his movement; hence they had to search another nerve to insert the Saline. They had already inserted IV in both his hands, and this time; it was the leg. It was the most painful moment when he yelled and cried, but the Dr’s and Nurses didn’t allow us inside the nursing room.

Soon he was shifted to the normal room, which meant we could stay with him together. The panel of Dr’s was amazing, and the hospital was one of its kind. The post-operative care was fabulous. They took the minutest care of every possible thing. The Dr’s who came for the round-up said, “He’s absolutely fine.”

These Words were Magical.

He had developed a phobia of blue color as the Dr’s and nurses wore a blue uniform. As soon as the Dr’s came for a check-up, he would get scared and cry on top of his voice. He wouldn’t even allow them to check the pulse or Bp.

But all’s well that ends well. He was finally discharged on the 10th day. Completely fit and fine to be home. We were asked to isolate him for 6 months as such kids are more prone to infections. We took utmost care at home. It was unbelievable that we had won this battle. The Surgery was over, but that scar on his chest will forever remind us of the hard time he had to go through. We still continue to go for a yearly check-up. It’s a must.

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Hoping no mom will ever have to go through this critical time. May he keep everyone safe and healthy always.

One thing was consistent, i.e., being extremely strong because I was a mother first. The mother in me fought all odds and got my child back.

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Namita Aggarwal

I'm a full-time mom and part-time blogger who loves taking care of my 5-year-old and sharing my thoughts through writing. Between the busy moments of motherhood, I find time to connect with other parents through my blog and online communities. I believe sharing real parenting stories and wisdom can help more than general advice, and this is what I try to do through my blog, encouraging parents to join in and share their experiences. I also enjoy teaching art to kids, helping them explore their creativity with colors and shapes.

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  1. Durraiya Lokhandwala says:

    Very touching, brave parents,God Bless Him with good health always

  2. Fatema Hirani says:

    Totally relatable!

  3. Fatema Hakim says:

    Inspiring and touching…
    We should always give our best and leave the rest on Allah.

  4. Rashida Bagasrawala says:

    God bless the little one with good health always

  5. Kutbuddin Barodawala says:

    Truly inspiring

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