Parenting Insights

Progressive Daddy

Hello everyone,

Today I was thinking what to write..and all of a sudden it strike me that every time I am writing in perspective of a mom,wife,daughter and so on..but there is another person who is equally responsible and has gone through each phase as I have…yes..!! He is the “Father” of my kids and my Soulmate for life..”MY HUSBAND “☺️

I never really thanked him but I always appreciate him whatever he do for me and my kids..he loves our sons unconditionally(doesn’t forget about me though ..?) and always pampers them. I sometimes feel as if I have three boys because he also becomes one of them..(like a kid?)

So ,today I wanted to share that he has been a “PROGRESSIVE “ Daddy from what I observed and felt..

And..therefore it calls for a shout-out to my hubby for being a #progressivedaddy;

?Engaging with our kids for experiential learnings.

?To always bring upon bundles of surprises to thrill their little voice.

?To hold them closer and be there, whenever they need their dad.

?To have the funniest things together and ask mommy dear to be out of their zone.

?To see them crazily running after each other?

?To see them in the mommy conspiracy moments.

?And to see them freaking and laughing out together!

I need to thank you for every moment you have spared for our kids ,for their development and a memorable childhood….?

I know it’s crisp & short but I think I have expressed it completely whatever I have felt and I hope other mommies out there will also definitely agree?


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1 Comment

  1. Bhargavi says:

    It is such a blessing to have someone to share the journey

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