Tasneem Rehana Salim Ali
Financial Freedom

When Life Shattered, Art Pieced Me Back Together – My Journey of Re-Stringing My Dreams!

My name is Tasneem Rehana Salim Ali. I hail from Ujjain and was the middle child among three siblings. My elder sister grew up to be a doctor and my younger brother became an engineer. However, my own interests lay more in the creative arts rather than academics. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with severe asthma at a young age, which made my school days very challenging. Due to frequent health issues, I struggled to excel in my studies. I distinctly remember one incident when I was in 3rd grade – a woman bluntly told my mother that it would be very difficult for a daughter like me to find success in life. At the time, those harsh words stung sharply.

However, despite many doubts expressed by outsiders, I was blessed to have the unconditional support of my parents and siblings, who were my backbone. Their continual love and encouragement through my many trying days gave me strength I would soon need to draw on time and time again.

Though academics posed a continual struggle, I discovered creative outlets that brought me joy, like drawing and crafts. My early schooling began in a convent, but managing health issues made keeping up with lessons exceptionally difficult. My parents helped me transfer to Oxford Junior College, which proved to be a turning point. There, teachers recognized my talents and offered ample support. Under their nurturing guidance, I finally blossomed.

In a proud moment for my father, I ranked 5th overall in exams. This achievement showed me what I was truly capable of. The next year, I was chosen as Head Girl of my school – an accolade that filled me with confidence. I graduated top of my computer science class in university against all odds. Through a combination of grit, encouragement from my support system, and finding alternative solutions when one path was blocked, I disproved naysayers from my youth.

Rising above limitations taught me resilience at a young age. I learned that problems can temporarily knock you down. But if you get back up and try a different approach, beautiful, unexpected doors will open.

Though I had proven my capabilities in the computer field, my lifelong creative passions were calling me. I pursued a Diploma in Textile Design to reignite my artistic spark. Shortly after earning this second diploma, I married a kind, supportive college professor who appreciates all facets of who I am.

As a newlywed, I initially poured myself into domestic life. But soon I knew I needed creative fuel beyond household duties alone. I experimented with pottery classes and discovered bead art, thanks to the guidance of my sister-in-law. Strings of beads turned into wire-wrapped pendants, slowly building my confidence. By 2012 I felt ready to establish my entrepreneurial wings fully by founding Season Strokes – my bead art and jewelry boutique.

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Just as Season Strokes was gaining momentum through local craft fairs and word-of-mouth praise, grief struck unexpectedly. The first of three miscarriages left me reeling emotionally. During the long days of bedrest that my doctor mandated, I battled inner darkness. But my family rallied to lift my spirits again. My parents, siblings, in-laws and stalwart husband enveloped me in an unwavering circle of care.

When I was ready, I returned to my beloved bead art, channeling energy into intricate new designs. Handling delicate glass beads and weaving them into gifts symbolized hope. Building my small business throughout those stormy years provided a life raft keeping me afloat through pain. Now nearly a decade later, Season Strokes continues to be a source of resilience and pride for me.

After two painful miscarriages, hope bloomed again in 2016 when I became pregnant once more. But this time, different complications emerged. I was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy, requiring emergency surgery.

I underwent surgery the very next evening. When I finally awoke nearly 24 hours later, my husband and family stood watch by my bedside. I learned my body had endured significant trauma, although thankfully the doctors were able to save me.

During the initial week of recovery in hospital and the month spent recuperating in my hometown of Ujjain, feelings of fear and helplessness overwhelmed me. My family tended gently to not just my physical wounds but the hidden scars this third lost pregnancy opened.

As soon as strength seeped back into my weakened frame, however, I turned to my lifelong solace of art-making. Just 15 days post-surgery, I gingerly took out my beadworking tools again – delicate wires and strands of glass like a soothing balm for my soul. The business of my hands kept darker thoughts at bay as I created new jewelry designs.

In an unexpected twist that reminded me life often births beauty from our deepest griefs, Season Strokes soon gained more followers. Custom orders increased over the next few months as word spread. Pouring myself into my small business filled me with revived purpose. After several months recovering under my in-laws’ nurturing care, I returned home to my husband feeling hopeful once more.

Over the years, I continued trying fertility treatments, praying for a successful pregnancy. Then in 2021 I was stunned to discover I was pregnant once more, although this unexpectedly joyful news turned ominous within days. At my first scan, the doctor urgently uncovered another life-threatening ectopic implantation.

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This latest ruptured ectopic was even more severe than my prior one. The physician warned that had I come to the ER a mere day later, the outcome could have been fatal. As I endured yet another harrowing surgery under general anesthesia, I clung to my faith and family.

By Allah’s grace, although this fourth pregnancy also could not be saved, I pulled through the emergency operation. My husband and supportive relatives surrounded me during another long recovery under strict doctor’s orders for bedrest.

Understandably, this latest brush with tragedy left me feeling emotionally drained and physically weak, unable to immediately return to my beadwork. But ever so slowly, I regained strength thanks to excellent care from my loved ones – eventually picking up my pliers again. Immersing myself in jewelry design provided necessary distraction from painful what-ifs about parenthood.

Just months after this devastating setback, I gathered enough creative momentum to launch a new beaded handbag collection. I named this line “Fareha” in honor of my steadfast mother and mother-in-law who buoyed me through stormy seas. My family and my art continued lifting my spirits high above the turbulence of health issues and grief over losing four babies. Their unconditional support kept me afloat when sorrow threatened to pull me under.

My husband and I now look toward adoption, still dreaming of one day nurturing a child to call our own. Through life’s unspeakable trials, my life partner remains my rock – constantly problem-solving and reminding me of my talents when I doubt myself. Both my blood family and in-laws provide pillars of strength keeping me upright during even the roughest chapters fate has dealt. Crafting alongside such remarkable loved ones, new rays of hope continually pierce the darkness.

And so, I continue moving forward with my abiding passion for bead art that has lifted me up during 13 intensely full years peppered with both joy and grief. After more than a decade perfecting wire sculpting techniques, I recently felt an old spark reigniting. In 2023, I picked my colored pencils back up and rediscovered my childhood love of sketching the world around me. Just as creativity anchored me through health crises and pregnancy losses, art continues grounding me while my husband and I explore adoption.

Beading threads its way brightly through my entire adult life so far, interwoven with darker moments that threaten to break one’s spirit. But just as a woven tapestry depends on contrasting hues to bring out its brilliance, I have come to appreciate how sorrow carves depth beneath joy. My unique journey shaped me, beads guiding me safely through the passage. Whatever the next bend in the road may bring, I feel grateful now for all of it – the precious days and devastating ones alike. Each chapter collectively tells my story.

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Today I stand tall, bolstered by family who celebrate all facets of me. As long as inspiration still sparks my imagination, I intend to keep beading toward the light. That creative flame within me was never fully extinguished, though winds of change fanned it low at times. Art remains a lifeline pulling me forward through both calm seas and storms yet to come.

If my story has resonated with you in any way, I invite you to join me on my creative adventures by following me on Instagram. There, you’ll find a vibrant community of fellow art enthusiasts, as well as updates on my latest creations and behind-the-scenes glimpses into my artistic process.

Note from the Blog Owner:

Tasneem’s story beautifully illustrates that our deepest resilience often emerges from life’s cruelest storms. Her journey as an artist, wife, and someday mother is all the richer for its many varied chapters – some devastating yet ultimately transformative. May we all draw hope from her courage to continually create beauty even through profound pain.

Since it’s Women’s Month, I’d love to use my platform to promote and uplift women entrepreneurs. If you have a business you’d like me to feature, please share your journey with me through DM on my Instagram.

And if you’re looking to bring more mindfulness and joy into your parenting, join the Manifesting Parenting Bliss WhatsApp channel to get daily inspiration right on your phone. Unlock the secrets to peaceful, intentional parenting by clicking here to join now.

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Tasneem Rehana Salim Ali

Hello there! I'm Tasneem Rehana Salim Ali, a passionate individual who believes in the power of resilience and creativity. Originally from Ujjain, India, I've overcome various challenges in life by channeling my love for art and craft. Whether it's through beadwork, sketching, or contributing to various platforms, I strive to inspire others to pursue their dreams and never give up. Join me on this journey of growth and discovery as we navigate life's twists and turns together!

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