Parenting Insights

I Tried These Methods To Feed My Toddler & Was Successful

Nowadays, we mothers have the same worry, ‘my kid is not eating, losing weight, and I don’t want to force-feed.’ Don’t worry Moms! Here I am with tried & tested methods to make your baby eat. I hope this will help you too.

Two months back, I was facing the same situation with my Kid, who is now 22 months old. Apart from BM, he was not eating anything at all, not in the morning, lunch, and dinner. Not even a cup of milk. I tried everything from giving Paranthas to curd to milk to flavored milk to everything I could find. All in Vain.

I also visited his pediatrician and consulted many doctors online, some ignoring this concern, some giving suggestions to reduce breastfeed. I was not ready to reduce breastfeed, not only me, but he was also not prepared to not taking it. Why? Because this was the only meal for him which he was taking.

I searched many things on Google, tried sharing the worry on various FB groups, got many suggestions, but no one could help. Finally, I gave up looking for its answer and kept trying to give something or the other.

Now, since the problem has been solved to an extent and he is now 22 months old, I thought to write on this and give all the mothers a tip on what did I do and what helped me in this case. These methods are not random or googled ones; these are what helped us with my Kid.

Seeing many questions still there on various FB groups, I thought to write on this. So here are some of the methods I tried.

Cheer & Changed the Glasses

One day, when I gave him a cup of milk, I offered one to his dad and asked them to cheer glasses. Out of excitement, he cheered up and copied his father, and took one sip. After taking one sip, he left the glass on the table. I poured the milk into another cup and asked him to cheer again. He did that again and again, and to our surprise, he drank more than half of a cup, following this procedure of cheering up and changing the glasses. Though you will have to have patience, this might work for you.

I Engaged Him in Cooking

Be prepared and take care of the safety of kids first. So, I made sure about the safety and tried engaging him while preparing for the meal. So what I did is, before going to prepare the meal, I started asking him to come along by saying, let’s go, we will make a pancake, Maggi, chapati, vegetable, tea, milk, whatever it is. He enjoyed doing that, and he started asking for the food. Sometimes even food is getting prepared; he starts asking for it. This thing worked a lot in my case.

Told That the Food is Not For Him

My sister, a doctor, suggested that you don’t ask him or offer him any food whenever you eat; don’t try to feed him. Just concentrate on eating; he might feel that he should also eat whatever his parents are eating. We started doing that; instead of asking him, we started saying, ”No, this is not for you, this is for us.” And we all know kids do, which we ask them not to. So, he began eating like this.

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New Healthy Food

I once was scrolling the internet and found out about the Slurrp Farm. Not going much into it, I just ordered the trial packs of pancakes and dosas and chips, which turned to tastier yet healthier product for him. I take him to the kitchen while making the pancake, and to my surprise, he finished it. Because they are too yummy and delicious, so try them with your babies once; you might find them beneficial.

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Tried Different Fruits

The taste of toddlers usually changes very frequently, this I understood from my son. Not sure about others. So, at once, he liked Apples, then grapes, then bananas, then papaya, then melon, and now his favorite is muskmelon. So, here I am trying to say is, keep changing the fruits and start giving your baby whatever he/she likes without much concentrating on the nutrients of a particular fruit because every fruit is healthy to eat.

What is My Kid’s Meal Routine Nowadays?

Though he still eats less than his age kids, I am satisfied as he started something at least. And I m sure he will begin having all his meals very soon.

He eats only two to three bites of paranthas or bread in breakfast. Then, two hours before lunch, he eats muskmelon, two big slices. He eats half a chapati or some rice with 4 to 5 spoon of curd or vegetable in lunch.

Again, he takes muskmelon after some time before dinner and in between two to three biscuits. He keeps taking BM whenever he feels so. And in dinner, he eats almost the whole chapati with moong dal.

At last, before bed, he drinks a cup of mango shake and sometimes, a mango and later, a cup of milk. So this is it.

Final Words

This is how I started trying something different after failing in many attempts. So, good luck to all the mothers who are trying really hard to feed their kids. I hope these methods work for you all.

And never lose patience and keep trying until you succeed.

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Namita Aggarwal

I'm a devoted full-time mom and part-time blogger, passionate about nurturing my 4-year-old and expressing myself through writing. Amidst the whirlwind of motherhood, I steal moments to immerse myself in the world of words and ideas. Through my blog and online communities, I find solace, knowledge, and connection with fellow parents. Balancing caregiving and writing fuels my growth and brings fulfillment. As a reader, I value the power of shared experiences and wisdom found in blogs. I am also an art person, and I take art classes for kids, allowing me to nurture their creativity and explore the world of colors and shapes together. Let's embark on this digital journey together, celebrating the joys and navigating the challenges of parenthood while embracing the artistic side of life.

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