I Mother My Way
Parenting Insights

I Mother My Way: Navigating the Mom Life Rollercoaster

So, here I am, knee-deep in the mom life chaos, drowning in advice left and right. They’ve got tips for everything, but guess what? I Mother My Way! Amidst the sea of parenting advice, finding your own path can be empowering. “I Mother My Way” isn’t about dismissing well-meaning suggestions but rather about trusting your …

Ayurveda & Parenting
Parenting Insights

How Can Ayurvedic Practices Enhance Child Development?

Hey mamas (and papas!), Remember those first few years with your little one? The sleepless nights, the endless questions, the joy that melts your heart and the worry that keeps you up at 3 am, scrolling mom groups? Yep, been there, totally done that with my little firecracker, 4-year-old Raj. But here’s the thing, amidst …

Gentle Parenting
Parenting Insights

Exploring the Impact of Strict versus Gentle Parenting on Children and Why I Choose Gentle Parenting

As a mom of a vibrant and curious 4-year-old named Hitarth, I have spent countless hours pondering the age-old question of strict versus gentle parenting. It’s a topic that sparks heated debates and passionate discussions among parents, each with their own unique approach to raising their children. In my journey as a parent, I have …

parenting lesson
Parenting Insights

A Heartwarming Tale of Friendship: Parenting Lesson Learned from a Skating Class

As parents, we all want what’s best for our kids. We watch them take their first steps, say their first words, and as they grow, we’re there cheering them on. So, when my little 4-year-old, Hitarth, started his skating classes, I was naturally a bit protective. Little did I know, this journey was going to …

picky eaters
Parenting Insights

Mastering Mealtime with Your Picky Eaters: A Personalized Guide to Success

Hello Beautiful Mommies, Oh, the joys and challenges of motherhood! One day our little ones might gobble up everything on their plate, and the next, they won’t even glance at it. Can you relate? I bet you can, and that’s why we’re here together, navigating through the whimsical world of fussy eating with our picky …

creative discipline methods
Parenting Insights

Creative Discipline Methods – How I Creatively Discipline My 4-Year-Old Son, Hitarth

Disciplining a child can be a challenging yet crucial aspect of parenting, especially when you have an energetic 4-year-old like my son, Hitarth. I won’t pretend that Hitarth is always perfectly behaved. After all, expecting impeccable behavior from a 4-year-old at all times is unrealistic. At home, he is usually on his best behavior, but …

True Story
Parenting Insights

A Remarkable True Story : The Art of Understanding: A Boy, His Teacher, and His Grateful Mother

Good day to you! Let’s take a look at a heartwarming story that beautifully demonstrates the immense power that can be harnessed through appreciation and understanding. In a world when passing judgment and offering criticism is all too common, it is encouraging to be reminded of the power that compassion and empathy has. This story …

Ginger Oil for Postpartum Weight loss
Women's Health

Ginger Oil for Postpartum Weight Loss: Ignite Your Holistic Journey to Wellness

Contents1 Introduction1.1 Postpartum Weight Loss Challenges1.2 Introducing Ginger Oil as a Natural Remedy1.3 The Goal of the Article2 Understanding Postpartum Weight Loss2.1 Factors Influencing Weight Loss After Pregnancy2.2 Common Struggles Faced by New Mothers2.3 The Importance of a Holistic Approach3 Exploring Ginger Oil Benefits3.1 Nutritional Properties of Ginger3.2 Ginger’s Support for Metabolism and Digestion3.3 Ginger …

screen time
Parenting Insights

How I Reduced My Son’s Screen Time from 1 Hour to 10 Minutes in Just One Day!

Hello to all the wonderful parents out there! As a mother of Hitarth, my beautiful 4-year-old son, I understand the struggle that we parents face in managing our children’s screentime. In today’s tech-savvy world, screens are everywhere, and children are drawn to them like magnets. Same was with Hitarth who once had a fondness for …