Parenting Insights

Breastfeeding: The First Hello!! Breastfeeding Tips By ”Falguni”

So the time came when the nurse was adjusting this small pinkish baby between my lap and my breast, I was overwhelmed with everything happening around me and a little confused. Because, it was the BREASTFEEDING.

Hi, I am Falguni. I enjoyed every moment of the breastfeeding phase of my life a lot. So, here I am sharing my special experience and tips with all you new mommies. yeahhhhhhhh!!!

So it’s only about mommy and baby…super excited!!

Hellos!! Here Are Some Tips to Make Breastfeeding More Fun

Breastfeeding is the first Hello with the newborn, so obviously, excitement will be there on both sides. A mother’s relationship with her baby is considered the purest form of love. You are entering into a phase of life which will slowly fill your heart with many colours.

The Struggle

The struggle is real when you have to find the right position to match your baby. COMFORT is the most needed thing, and with that, you will get a bonus of that pure soft touch, AFFECTION, LOVE, and a completely new feeling to explore.

What about BEING A TOY? 😆

Are you ready for the game? The little munchkin is not only going to feed your breastmilk; it also is his first toy to play with. Shhh…

Let me tell you something, which is no more a secret now. When I was feeding my baby at that time, he used to play a lot with me and my 🤐. This not only gives the baby a sense of affection, but it also gives you a chance to read those beautiful twinkling eyes. The love and faith you develop during breastfeeding are the pillars of your future bonding.

Let The Positive Vibes Inn🤩

Fill your mind with positive thoughts. It will definitely make the whole process of breastfeeding really fun. The little munchkin will always admire you. You have always been the most beautiful person to them. Also check out this article on Must-Have Baby Products, Before Your Little One, Turns ONE!

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Your baby loves you. You are the first human on earth who is close to a little heart. Just imagine how special you are to your munchkin. Your face, your smile, and your touch are the first things they will notice in your first few weeks. BREASTFEEDING is not only a process of providing milk; it’s an emotional journey for you two (mom and baby) to develop that extremely special love bond.

  • You are actually going to feel the heartbeat when you are breastfeeding your baby.
  • You will slowly start to understand his actions.
  • And, you will enjoy that silent conversation with the baby without them communicating.

Gynecologist & Friendship👭

I still remember my gynaecologist being my best friend and certified advisor. She helped me during delivery, and with postpartum changes in my body once I started breastfeeding.

Feeling Guilty🤔

Don’t blame yourself if your body is not supporting you; it’s OK. Everyone is different, and nowadays, we have many other options in case of any problem during breastfeeding.

Eating Habbits🤐

We often face this question about the timings or intervals we should maintain. Is there any particular time gap between every feed?

Now the answer to this question can be only given by you yourself.

  • You are the one who can feel what the baby wants.
  • You are the one dealing with the changes inside and outside your body.
  • And, you will get help and advice from many others who have experienced the same situation. Be open to asking and analyzing. Here are some Postpartum health tips: Essential nutrition every breastfeeding mother needs.


My Overflowing Breast Milk 

After the delivery, my mother was worried about feeding if I could provide sufficient breastmilk for the baby.

To both of our surprise, within 24 hrs. My breast milk was overflowing. It was like everywhere. It seemed like I was wearing perfume with the smell of breast milk. Full credit goes to my mother. She followed every instruction possible given by the doctor, her friends, and her relatives. I was providing BREASTMILK to my 👩‍👧 but my PROVIDER was my MOM. 💕

  • Drinking masoor dal water every two hours.
  • Sabu dana with milk
  • Oats with milk
  • Panjiri

and many more; she makes sure that I also have something myself whenever I am feeding the baby.

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I can’t stress enough how much this technique of drinking dal water, milk or juice while feeding the baby helped me. It gives instant energy to the mother. When you are a new mom, you have to be on your toes.

Family is always there to guide us; some of us may arrange help for ourselves, but at the end of the day, its about the relationship between the mother and the newborn which is developing. ❤❤

Pillow, Me & Baby

Do you enjoy sleeping(yes/no)? But trust me, YOU are going to enjoy it more once you are a mother. PILLOW comes as a saviour when you struggle to find the perfect position to breastfeed your baby. I used to put a soft pillow on my lap to give the baby a height. Make sure you use a clean pillow. Make sure to change the cover timely, at times twice a day during the initial few days.

I faced severe pain and discomfort in my arms and shoulders. However, it sounds weird that such a small little munchkin can do this, but its 100% true. While breastfeeding your baby, you are the one who is handling everything at that particular time. Holding a baby for a longer duration can put you & your baby in a lot of discomforts.

Don’t be shy or stop yourself from asking for help. Using a big soft pillow helped me a lot in handling those situations. Once you are a mom, you will definitely recognize the silent and very prominent role played by MR. PILLOW in the initial days of our kid’s life.

Me & the Breastfeeding Pump

SO, with the goody effects and love comes a little tedious job, i.e., when you have to feed your baby frequently, or you have to leave your baby for some time may be due to work or any other reason. At that point, I got introduced to the Breastfeeding Pump. They are very helpful in storing breast milk but be cautious about the whole process of sterilizing it time and again.

There are many Breast Pumps available in the market which you can try. I tried the basic one, and it was very helpful, but soon I shifted to feeding the baby on my own.

Few more things I used to try include:

  • Squeeze milk manually and collect it in a bowl. – though it helped on a short term basis, just to skip one or two feeding sessions with the baby and to catch up with your sleep its not a very easy process.
  • Moisturizing your nipples – As a new mom, you are the only one who is responsible for the baby s basic survival. It means more you will feed the baby and use a pump, there are chances that the skin around your breast will get dried. Using the correct moisturizer or oil for your breast will help a lot.
  • Gynaecologist – Apart from everything you will read here, do make sure that your gynaecologist is a call away. Consult the doctor whenever required.
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Apart from these few tips, there are small little things which you can take care of:

  • Wipe your breast after every feed with a clean cloth.
  • Wipe your baby’s gums at least once a day with a soft cotton cloth before bedtime.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Eat healthily: it is for both of you.

BREASTFEEDING is a journey of two individuals connected by the heart. 

The emotion, the problems, and the challenges are different for every mother and their family. Every individual has their way of dealing with and what they can do the best for their baby.

  • MAKE SURE never to compare your journey with others.
  • MAKE SURE to always ask for help and guidance, if required.
  • Always MAKE SURE to enjoy all the moments to the fullest.
  • MAKE SURE to take the pride you deserve for being a beautiful baby’s mom.

In the end, I would like to say that I have seen both the happy and the hard faces of breastfeeding. Trust me; it’s a blessing that you will feel every passing day.

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