बच्चों के लिए फोन

बच्चों के लिए फोन और टेलीविजन को कैसे सीमित करें || जानें ये टिप्स

आजकल कोई भी Joint Family में रहना पसंद नहीं करता है । और जब पति-पत्नी अकेले रहते हैं और बच्चे को संभालने की बारी आती है तब वह अपनी इस जिम्मेदारी को कहीं ना कहीं नहीं निभा पाते हैं । घर में बड़ों के ना होने की वजह से वह काम के चलते दिन भर …

baby sleep

Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night – Few Tips & Tricks

Having a baby is the most wonderful feeling on Earth. Parents are on cloud nine once they embrace parenthood. Along with happiness, it also brings a lot of challenges with it. One of the biggest challenges is baby sleep. Making your baby sleep is one of the toughest challenges that maximum parents face. My own …

traveling with kids

Keep Calm & Explore the World With These Tips While Traveling With Kids

In my household, the word travel can get everyone to toe the line, from cleaning rooms to setting the table and ending sibling squabble. Travelling is an annual event where we all forget our differences and somehow show our maturity, and work towards planning and executing an event harmoniously. I can safely say this is …

Hyperactive Child

Recognizing & Managing The Impulsive Behaviour In A Hyperactive Child

The beautiful journey of motherhood is overwhelming…and if your child is hyperactive, then this journey becomes a real roller coaster ride. Emotionally you are always in turbulence because you don’t know exactly how to control your emotions and how to channel your kid’s activities and impulsiveness. As I have already shared that I am a …

picky eater

Picky Eater? No Worries!! Here Are Some Suggestions Basis My Experience

Picky Eater? -Mine too!!! Well, it’s a Mealtime anytime soon, and you are dreading it because you have a picky eater at home. You are thinking about what to cook for the little one or feed the same food as made for the family. What if she upright rejects it, and you, either are angry or …

introvert child

Introvert Child – A Normal Child – A Blog by Sonali Dhume

Does your child prefer to play alone? Have you noticed that your child has only 1 – 2 friends? Does your child shy away in the social group setups like playschools or daycares? Is your child usually chirpy at home unless you have visitors? If you answered most of these questions affirmatively, your child is …

child's eyes and child's mind

Tips To Protect Child’s Mind And Eyes – Have A Healthy & Happy Child

A child is one of the best blessings any person could ever have. It completes the whole self, and therefore it should be taken care of with utmost care and abundant love that can be imparted. Since this blessing is worth a lifetime, seeing your child grow is an entirely different kind of experience. And …

Self discipline

Chapter 2: Self-Discipline – Redefining Life

In the previous chapter, we were introduced to the individual reasons for punishment scenarios, types of the same, intensity, etc., in the process of disciplining kids. With the main objective of disciplining and enhancing obeying tendencies, severe forms of punishment were attempted in historical times. The kings and various forms of governments and nations have …

childs personality

9 Ways Parents Can Help To Enhance Child’s Personality

The surroundings and surroundings play an influential role in moulding a child’s personality. Newborns are born with a distinctive personality that is sooner or later shaped by their environments. A child’s immediate environment is their family, such as parents and grandparents. This is followed by school, where teachers and friends form the child’s environment. Therefore, …