positive discipline

Positive Discipline & Getting Your Child To Listen – Is It Impossible?

As a mother, we have to play many roles, and we need to perform many jobs; positive discipline and making our kids listen is one of the toughest jobs of motherhood. It’s a job that takes lots of patience and time. Whether it comes to your screaming toddler or a violent sibling, it becomes really …

successful kids

7 Important Tips to Raise Successful Kids – What To Do and What Not To Do

There’s no one definition of success. But what’s definite is that raising successful kids requires instilling values that push them to pursue a life and a career synonymous with positivity and happiness. Whether they make it to the top of the organizational hierarchy or choose to lead a life in service of the community – …

rewards for kids

Rewards For Kids – How To Set Up A Reward System To Encourage Kids

Rewards are something special for everyone, especially kids, to cherish for life. A reward for a good thing encourages doing more of it. Here in this article, we will discuss how rewards for kids are important and how should we go about it. Why Do We Have To Reward Our Kids? Parenting is not just …

religious practice for kids

Religious Practices For Kids – Does This Leads To Better Well-Being?

Religion is a huge part of a child’s upbringing. It can have a huge impact on the way children grow up, their thinking and their overall approach in life. Though all religions are based on the common grounds of love and compassion for all along with belief in a supreme power, practices vary from religion …

बच्चों का गुस्सा

बच्चों का गुस्सा शांत करने के कुछ आसान टिप्स – इन टिप्‍स की मदद से करें कंट्रोल

आजकल हर घर में मां और पिता दोनो काम करते हैं और काम में बहुत व्यस्त रहने के कारण बच्चों को समय नहीं दे पा रहे है जिस वजह से कहीं न कहीं बच्चा अकेला महसूस करता है। कही न कही ये सारी चीजें बच्चो के दिमाग पर असर डाल रही है। बच्चे चिड़चिड़े, गुस्सेल, …

potty training

Top 10 Potty Training Challenges Faced By Toddler Parents – How to Solve Them

Transitioning your toddler from diapers to using the toilet can be a daunting challenge. If you are a toddler parent struggling through the potty-training phase, know that you are not alone. More than eighty per cent of parents face difficulties in toilet training. Experts say that most problems that parents face in potty training are common, …

kids behaviour

Reward Charts – The 3 Best Charts To Record The Kids Behavior

A child’s behaviour is one of the main factors to be in a happy space. Building a kids behaviour is the duty of a responsible parent. Keeping track of kids’ behaviour and imparting good behaviour in children needs tracking and praising on a timely basis. Rewarding a child’s good behaviour helps the child retain and …

An Emotional Moment Of My Motherhood Journey

Being a mother is a special journey with multitude of experiences. Each mother has her own unique experiences, which are truly inspiring and give strength to other moms. “Mother is the bank where we deposit all our hurts and worries. ” After boarding the Motherhood ship, respect for my mom has increased. By the God’s …