kids yoga
Parenting Insights

Kids Yoga – Yes! Kids, Infact Toddlers Can Do Yoga Very Easily

Yoga is a Boon given to every soul on Earth. Our prime duty is to take care of the human body, the house of our soul. And now, these pandemic days are teaching us the importance of Yoga; and healthy habits are the ultimate need of the hour. So, here in this article, I will share everything about Kids Yoga; what, when and how to do with its benefits.

A Few Questions You Might Ask

  • Should we teach our kids Yoga?
  • When To Start Teaching Yoga To Kids?
  • How to teach Yoga to young kids?
  • What are simple yoga asanas to teach kids?
  • What are the benefits of Kids Yoga?

Answers To All Your Questions. Let’s Explore.

Should We Teach Our Kids Yoga?

Yoga gives flexibility to the body and mind, which gives immense benefits. We might have been amazed to see our toddlers doing yoga poses at their ease when they play on the go. And do you think Yoga is a challenging task for them? Absolutely No. Kids naturally possess flexibility and potential at a young age. They all need is practice and training to maintain it at later stages.

When To Start Teaching Yoga To Kids?

There are proofs that a child can learn from a mother’s womb. Amazing right! In Epic Mahabharata, a warrior named Abhimanyu (Arjun’s son) learned a war skill when he was in his mother’s womb. Likewise, a born infant can swim. So, Introduce early (Pre-schoolers).

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Some say we can start Kids Yoga at age 4 or 6+. Others say the ideal age to introduce Yoga is age 8. But we can give the perfect training at whatever age is suggested. First, Parents should know simple Yoga and make it a daily habit; then, it would be easier for them to teach their kids. But before that, let’s think. Any art thought at an earlier stage will benefit more for their lifetime. Hence it’s the responsibility of every Parent to bring Yoga awareness to your kids. They have high grasping power and are highly receptive to learning from the world. Teach them to understand the importance of taking care of our bodies and soul for a healthier life.

How To Teach Yoga To Young Kids?

Excellence in work (without attachment to results) is Yoga. Yoga is a balanced state of thoughts and intellect. Yoga makes our mind and body active. Here are some methods you can follow:

We Do; They Learn

Kids observe things around them and learn. So when we, Parents, take the responsibility to learn and do Yoga, our kids will try to repeat them playfully. Here are some Mental Health Activities To Do With Children To Strengthen Their Minds.

Teach In A Fun-filled Way

Lots of yoga music is available online. Play a piece of blissful, soothing music while doing Yoga to be in a relaxed state. Dancing along with kids will make the whole day energetic. Laugh aloud for a minute, and you will see your nerves being activated, and happy hormones and chemicals will make you a fantastic day. Using props while doing Yoga will make it more interesting. Ex: Balls, rattles, bean bags, yoga mats.

Yoga Videos & Rhymes

I’m a parent who does not encourage screen time for kids. So I suggest only audios for kids below 3 years. Also, in this techy world, we can’t completely eradicate screen time, but it can be under control. We can sing songs and rhymes for Yoga to make them understand better. Yoga classes can be given to children over 7 years.

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Do In Groups

Kids love to play with their friends. So if Kids’ Yoga is done with their friends, it will make them enjoy the Yoga and help them follow the routine. Also, read here, How to teach kids to be mindful.

Make A Routine

Doing it regularly at a particular time of the day will help the kids stick to that routine, and the intern will help the child be disciplined. You can do it for 10 to 15 minutes for young toddlers and increase later.

What Are Simple Yoga Asanas To Teach Kids?

Environmental Experience

Try to give an experience to kids similar to Yoga like Walking on a sliding surface, climbing a ladder, staircase, or a monkey bar, cycling, swimming.

Animal Walks

Frog jump, Duck walk, Bear walk, slither like a snake, crawl like a turtle, Hop like a bunny- everything is Yoga. Toddlers will be able to do these simple walks that will gain flexibility.

Simple Yoga Shapes & Animals

  • Salutation: Namaste; to relax.
  • Camel pose: Helps to maintain good posture.
  • Tree pose: Helps in body balance and confidence.
  • Triangle pose: Improves Digestion.
  • Downward dog: Increase brain function.

Simple Breathing Pranayama

  • Encourage Kids to breathe only through the nose and not the mouth.
  • Abdominal breathing: Deep breathing should be taught. While breathing in, expand your stomach, and while Breath Out, Contract your stomach.
  • Bhastrika: Slow breathe in and slowly breathe out; helps increase oxygen supply and gives instant energy.
  • Candle Blow: Breath in and blow out candles; Relieves stress.
  • Bhramari: Making Humming sounds will help to improve concentration.
  • Meditation: Sit quietly for some time. Though it is difficult for toddlers, we can try chanting “OM” for a few minutes.

Benefits of Kids Yoga

  • Kids Yoga gives flexibility to the mind and body that helps in brain and growth development. It benefits every system in the body: Nervous, respiratory, digestive, and much more.
  • Enhances (EQ) Emotional Quotient, the ability to handle emotions.
  • Enhances (IQ) Intelligence Quotient, improves concentration, understanding, and memory; thus, kids can focus and perform well in academic and extracurricular activities.
  • It helps in building strong immunity.
  • It helps to control tantrums in young kids.
  • Yoga will help to reduce screen time for kids.
  • Better and Deep sleep will make kids grow healthy.
  • Creativity, Discipline, Responsibility is built.
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  • All Yoga poses for kids should be done under the Parent’s supervision.
  • Every Yoga should be done with their comfort and do not over-stretch. Let the child do it at their ease. Please don’t force them to be perfect.


The Right Time to start is now. Yoga is being active. Give Yoga awareness at an earlier stage (young kids pre-schoolers), which will develop interest and better learning later (6+ years). For better results, do it with an empty stomach or 2 Hrs after food in the morning or/and evening. The best source of Vitamin D is Sun. Perform Yoga with sun exposure in a clean and ventilated environment to gain more results.

We teach our Kids but learn from them much more. Keep Learning!

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