weaning essentials
Product & Reviews

Weaning Essentials – Introduce Solids to Your Little Ones Effortlessly

When it comes to weaning (introducing food to your little one other than breastmilk), all the new mothers have various questions like when to start, what to feed, how to feed, and many more. Ideally, babies can begin outside food between 4 months to 6 months, depending on their growth. Here in this blog, I will be sharing the weaning essentials to help you with the process effortlessly.

I started the weaning process for my baby on the completion of 5 months. Throughout the process of weaning and teething, the following items were a must-buy.

List of Weaning Essentials

Bibsweaning essentials

One thing is for sure weaning is going to be messy. So, bibs are the must-have weaning essentials. There will be many spills, so much so that sometimes spilling will be more than eating. A bib is a must so that the clothes are not stained. One should have at least 2 bibs at home so that you can use them alternatively. Two types of bibs are available in the market apron bib and full sleeves bib. I prefer the full sleeves bib.

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Food Masher

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Babies cannot swallow whole grains as their muscles are not yet developed, and they don’t have teeth. At the stage of introduction, mashed food helps the baby in swallowing. If food is not mashed at this stage of weaning, it might get stuck in the baby’s throat, causing choking. It is recommended that babies should eat mashed or pureed food from 6 to 9 months.

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Silicon Spoon

Silicon spoons are another weaning essentials that are made for babies, so their scoop size is perfect. Also, the edges are not sharp, as in the case of metal. If your baby is teething and chews on the spoon, it won’t hurt her. Silicon spoons are great for babies who are learning to eat on their own. Also, this spoon can be sterilized using a sterilizer.

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Baby Wipes

weaning essentials

Baby Wipes are another must-have weaning essentials. You should always keep them handy while you are feeding your baby. Spills are part of the weaning process, so are the wipes. Here are some of the best natural baby wipes which you should consider buying for your babies.

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Fruit & Vegetable Nibbler

This is one product that I highly recommend. It is a great tool to introduce fruits and veggies to your baby. It has tiny holes on both sides. Juice and small swallow-able pieces come out through the holes, so babies can enjoy having fresh fruits. Generally, babies start teething around 6 months to one year. The nibbler also acts as a teether, what a great way to satisfy their gums and adding nutritional value to their diet. It is made of silicon which can be easily sterilized and used again.

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Oatmeal Mix

weaning essentials

Babies quickly get bored of the same food and love variety. Oatmeals are easy to digest for the developing digestive system of babies. Indian households generally use the traditionally prepared powdered mix, but sometimes for a taste change, oatmeals are the best. Oats are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is tasty and healthy at the same time. The power-packed nutrition will be great for babies.

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Fruits, Vegetables, & Accessories Cleanser

weaning essentials

Nowadays, there is high usage of pesticides for growing fruits and vegetables. While we wash them with water, do the pesticides go away? We have to be of the utmost care with babies, and this liquid cleanser comes to our rescue.

This cleanser by Mee Mee is made using edible ingredients and is safe for babies. This cleanser can not only clean fruits and vegetables but also milk bottles and toys. This is why it is one of the must-have weaning essentials.

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Suction Plate or Bowl

Baby-led weaning is a practice where the baby learns to self-feed. Babies tend to lift the plate or bowl, resulting in spilling the food on the plate. A suction plate or bowl sticks to the surface; babies won’t be able to lift it. Babies then concentrate on the food presented to them, and learning becomes effective and easy. So, Isn’t it the must-have weaning essentials?

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Feeding Chair

Babies move a lot; so, the feeding chair is one of the weaning essentials that helps them stay in one place while you feed them. The feeding chair has belts that help to keep the baby in one place. It comes with a detachable plate that can be removed and washed. Some feeding chairs also have wheels so you can move them easily. A feeding chair is a must for the baby-led weaning process.

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Edible Teething Sticks

We get many silicon teethers in the market; chewing on these teethers relaxes their gums but gives no nutritional value. These edible teething sticks by Early foods are healthy and don’t have preservatives, maida, soda, sugar, or artificial flavors.

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Edible teething sticks not only satisfy the chewing needs of the baby but are also nutritional. I highly recommend using these. Here are some tips to soothe sore gums, which is a common concern during the teething process.

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weaning essentials

Washing baby’s bottles, toys, spoons, bowls, etc., does not ensure they are germ-free. Electric sterilizer ensures that all of these items are 99.99% germ-free and safe for reuse. These sterilizers have reduced mother’s amount of work.

The sterilizer can not only be used for sterilizing milk bottles but also other silicone items like spoons, bowls, toys, etc. This makes it one of the must-have weaning essentials.

[wpsm_button color=”gold” size=”big” link=”https://www.amazon.in/s?k=Philips Avent Avent 2-in-1 Electric Steam Steriliser (Multicolor)&linkCode=sl2&tag=momyhood0c-21&linkId=d551a5d6491704107383efdc85091229&language=en_IN&ref_=as_li_ss_tl” icon=”check-circle” class=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow sponsored”]Get it Here[/wpsm_button]


These were the weaning essentials that you must consider buying before starting the weaning process to go smoothly. As I always say, my blogs are to help new mothers, and I would appreciate your suggestions and contribution.

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