cloth diapers
Parenting Insights

Why I Switched to Cloth Diapers? The Best Cloth Diapers & their Reviews

Diapers are the vital part of babies and mums life, and I don’t think, any of the mommies can ever think their life without diapers nowadays. It is surprising and equally shocking to know that there were the times when disposable diapers were not there, and moms had to go through a lot of hardship of changing the nappies very often be it at homes or when they are travelling. Here in this blog, I will be explaining everything about the alternatives to disposable diapers i.e, Cloth Diapers, the best of them and their reviews.

I myself carry a bundle of diapers before stepping out as I don’t have the strength to change nappies very often like our moms used to do. I didn’t use disposable diapers for the first two months as I never stepped out of the house and managed to change around 40 nappies a day. After that also for six months, I used disposable diapers only when I was travelling.

You must have heard from our elders that we should not use disposable diapers as it causes rashes and not suitable for babies skin. What they say is a fact, but if we are taking precautions (About which I will be writing another blog on it shortly), we can use them as much as we want. However, it is definitely not good for the environment. So here is my experience of using cloth diapers.

What are Cloth Diapers?

Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are made of soft cotton cloth and come with an insert or liner which are soft and super absorbent which helps in soaking and absorbing the pee for more than 2 hours. Some diapers can soak and give a dry feeling to the baby for almost 8 hours just like disposable diapers and you can make your baby wear those diapers whole night. There are various brands available for cloth diapers and the best of them are mentioned below. However, before that, I would like to share my personal experience of using them.

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My Experience of Using Cloth Diapers for my Baby

So, we have an alternative to it; Cloth Diapers. And this blog is about my experience of using cloth diapers. We also use disposable diapers but only when we are travelling.

I had bought the first cloth diaper for my son when he was two months old. I was not much sure about its efficiency because I never heard about it from any individual and found it myself by scrolling through social media.

The first and foremost reason for me using cloth diaper for my son is a lesser need for potty-training. How? Because disposable diapers come with stay-dry comfort, and unlike them, with the use of cloth diapers, babies will feel more wetness as they don’t have the same dry feeling and be able to tell when this needs to be changed.

More reasons why I find cloth diapers the best;

cloth diapers

1. For the first time, when I made him wear the cloth diaper, I checked it almost after two hours, and still, it was not that wet as it is very absorbent. Click here to get the diaper which I bought for him when he was two months old.

2. The cloth diapers are lighter in weight and also do not get heavier even after using it for long.

3. Almost every baby prefers a softer touch, so it is incredibly comfortable for their skin as it is made from real fabric, and the material is breathable.

I think, after knowing two to three benefits of using cloth diapers, I bought 12 more and use them every day.

4. Sometimes, when I am unable to change the diaper on time, I do not have to worry about rashes or allergic reactions due to wetness.

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5. After making my son wear a cloth diaper, I tend to change it often, unlike disposables.

6. Though the cost of cloth diaper is a bit higher, however, not more than disposable diapers as these are washable & reusable.

7. Washing them is very easy as you can put them in the washing machine along with other clothes of the baby.

8. The last and one of the apparent reason, it is Eco-friendly, and by cutting down to the use of disposable diapers, we are contributing our bit to save the environment.

So, what say Mommies? Aren’t these enough reasons for switching from disposables to cloth diapers?

List of best-rated Cloth Diapers

Here are some of the best-rated cloth diapers which you may buy for your little one without giving a second thought. I also have used all of the brands and bought 2 of every brand to check its capacity of holding the urine. Also, read here the best diaper bags under 1200.

Alva Baby Cloth Diapers

cloth diapers

Customers have given this cloth diaper a 5-star rating because of its absorbency power. I have also bought two of this brand and found that this is one of the best cloth diapers as it comes with bamboo inserts. They are a bit expensive, however very soft, comfortable and lightweight. It comes with very cute prints.

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Super Bottoms Diapers

The cloth diapers from Super Bottoms are premium one as they are excellent and good for first-time users. They are very soft on baby’s skin and comes in an affordable range. You can easily use this diaper for your baby for almost 4 hours. However, it is always advisable to keep checking the leakage.

[wpsm_button color=”btncolor” size=”big” link=” baby cloth diaper&qid=1608456138&sprefix=alva baby ,aps,305&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=AVDJ9N19NNZKT&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExVFA3VENJRkhBQVpSJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTgwMDcxMjAwQzRSMklUR0JVRyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjM3NzkzMjJXSzhFT1lUMVdMUyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=&linkCode=sl1&tag=momyhood0c-21&linkId=92b1582a39ca1128920fc485a23d61bf” icon=”link” class=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow sponsored”]Get it Here[/wpsm_button]

Bembika Diapers

These are other best cloth diapers which are washable, reusable and breathable. It can also soak the urine for 3 to 4 hours and you can take your baby along for a walk or to a mall visit for limited hours. They are very lightweight and the baby will have a dry feeling wearing it. I am using three of this brand and my son is now 1 and a half year old.

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Paw-Paw Cloth Diapers

cloth diapers

The diapers from Paw Paw are one of the best and amazing diapers as they come with very cute prints and moreover,m they are budget-friendly. Like all other brands mentioned above, they can also soak the pee for almost 3 to 4 hours and they are reusable like all of them.

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Some of the cloth diapers do not come with the inserts for them. So you can get them easily online. To get some, click here.


Slowly and steadily, the world is changing, and it’s time to make a little difference in the lives of our children too. If we are doing this, we can encourage other parents to do the same.

So, let’s get together and be the change! And please write back in the comment section if you find it beneficial. And I would love to hear more views on the same.

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Namita Aggarwal

I'm a full-time mom and part-time blogger who loves taking care of my 5-year-old and sharing my thoughts through writing. Between the busy moments of motherhood, I find time to connect with other parents through my blog and online communities. I believe sharing real parenting stories and wisdom can help more than general advice, and this is what I try to do through my blog, encouraging parents to join in and share their experiences. I also enjoy teaching art to kids, helping them explore their creativity with colors and shapes.

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  1. AAKASH SHARMA says:



  2. Himani khulbe says:

    Superb…very informative??

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