Shouldn’t We Start Normalizing The Method of Child Birth?

A woman has many phases in her life, but the most beautiful and empowering of them all is ‘Motherhood.’ Becoming a mother is an honor in itself because a female is blessed with the power of creation. It is only us that can conceive and nurture life within us. It is nothing less than seeing a …

Momming Ain’t Easy

Momming isn’t an easy thing. Most of them go through crucial situations and pressures from different sides, and momming through all this with flying colors is godly, in my opinion. Today, there are young mommas worldwide, creating and achieving wonders even at this tuff phase. They are women entrepreneurs, start-up owners, therapists, educationists, artists; you …

कड़वी यादें – जब भगवान् ने साथ दिया – ”दिल से दिल तक”

आज कल शादी की उम्र 27 28 साल हो गयी है और ये आम बात है। किन्तु हमारे यहाँ अच्छा रिश्ता आते ही लड़की को बंधन में बाँध दिआ जाता है। इसी के चलते मेरी शादी भी 24 की उम्र में हो गयी थी। सोचा था नयी नयी शादी को खूब एन्जॉय करूंगी पर भगवान् …

Twice the Joy, Twice the Love; Twice the Blessings from Above

Becoming a mother for the first time is blissful for every woman and was the same with me. I was even more blessed to have twins. Actually, mine was not a planned pregnancy, but you see, surprises are the best part of your life. It’s challenging to handle twins, but the memories you make with …

Trust The Lord and His Ways – He Doesn’t Turn Away From Our Pain

Our family got complete with the birth of my younger one. Though I really wanted a baby girl as I already have an elder son, it was his will to give me the most beautiful gift called ‘Saifuddin.’ Absolutely normal delivery and no complications at all. My bundle of joy was in my hands within …

Motherhood Feels Heavenly With Khushi & Shaurya

MOTHERHOOD is Messy,       And Challenging,    And Crazy,    And Sleepless,    And Giving, And Still…………..Unbelievably BEAUTIFUL.       ———–Rachel Martin———- These beautifully carved words seem like pouring a mother’s heart out. These are just enough to understand parenting or motherhood. HELLO! Friends and mommies. This is my first write-up, and …