
Nia Finally Found out her Passion at the Age of 28

Nia got married when she was 23 and was a very simple girl who belongs to a middle-class family. Her father is financially strong and wanted her to get married in the well-to-do family. However, she fell in love with her school friend, who was not very good financially, but she knew he would take good care of her as her family does. So, she listened to her heart and made her family agreed and tied the knot in 2015. 

After the wedding, she and her husband shifted to Delhi. She was really happy after getting married to her dream man. Since she was well educated, she also started working in the same organisation where she worked earlier before marriage.

Her life was full of happiness and joy, and she never felt that she is short of money; instead, she enjoyed it a lot of being a financial manager of her whole house. 

After almost two years of marriage, her husband got a new job with a handsome salary. And he had to move to a different and a smaller city. And obviously, Nia also had to shift with him and had to quit the job. Unfortunately, there was less opportunity for her to work in that city. Also, no one encouraged her to work at less salary, and everyone wanted her to stay at home and manage the house. However, there were not many responsibilities as only two people were there, Nia and her husband, Kavish. 

The Journey Started

Since there were limited opportunities for job, she chose to stay at home. And fortunately one day, she also calls it a lucky day, her brother offered her a job of writing blogs for his site. At first, she thought she would not be able to write well as she does not have any experience. But her brother knew her skills & capabilities as she used to share with him, her email writings related to her office work and her appreciations regarding that. 

So, this was it, and there started the journey of her passion which is none but “WRITING”. When she wrote her first blog, she got many appreciations from her friends, family and from her brother’s friends who were with him in his business.

Gradually, she started earning by writing blogs for different sites, and it made everyone delighted as she earned staying at home. She was also thrilled to get money without doing a 9 to 6 job.

A Beautiful News

After a year, she got pregnant and almost stopped writing because she was unable to sit for a long time, also slowly and steadily, her interest got less in writing blogs. She then got busy with the care of her unborn and herself. 

Emotional & beautiful journey of Nine months passed quickly. And in June 2019, she got a wonderful present from God. Here, they welcomed their champ. After three months, they again shifted to Delhi with a decent salary of her husband. 

Three more months passed looking after her newborn. And one day, she found some spare time for herself, so she started reading some blogs and ends up reading many. And then ‘Writing’ again marked its entry in her life.

Realization of Passion

She began writing again and found that she can express herself very well with the words. Now she writes blogs, whenever she is free. She loves writing on whatever she feels or sees around her, including her own stories, be it related to her son, her husband, or her life. After writing only two blogs, she felt maybe this is her passion. And perhaps she wants to make her career in this only along with taking care of her family. But she was not so sure about it. 

Gradually, after writing blogs almost every alternate day for the next month, she realised, YES! “Writing” is the only passion she has, and she also realised that age is just a number to start with anything. Now she believes this is true because if you think you can do something, you should begin then and there without considering whether you will succeed or not. 

Even if you don’t get desired success or people do not start recognising you, you should not stop or feel demotivated; instead, you should be glad that you did what you wished and spent the precious moments of your life in doing what you wanted to do. Because many are still trying to discover their passion, and some are unable to fulfil it due to various reasons. So never get disappointed.

So, this was it. And this is Nia who enjoys writing whatever, whenever anything comes to her mind. So, Guys, this is how at the age of 28, Nia realised of her passion and started following it. 

If you like her story, please like, share and tell in the comments section, how did you like it? And have you also started following your dream or still on the way to realise your passion?

Namita Aggarwal

I'm a devoted full-time mom and part-time blogger, passionate about nurturing my 4-year-old and expressing myself through writing. Amidst the whirlwind of motherhood, I steal moments to immerse myself in the world of words and ideas. Through my blog and online communities, I find solace, knowledge, and connection with fellow parents. Balancing caregiving and writing fuels my growth and brings fulfillment. As a reader, I value the power of shared experiences and wisdom found in blogs. I am also an art person, and I take art classes for kids, allowing me to nurture their creativity and explore the world of colors and shapes together. Let's embark on this digital journey together, celebrating the joys and navigating the challenges of parenthood while embracing the artistic side of life.

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1 Comment

  1. Kashish Bansal says:

    I love your story and its very motivating and i am still on the way to realise my passion ?

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