screen time
Parenting Insights

How I Reduced My Son’s Screen Time from 1 Hour to 10 Minutes in Just One Day!

Hello to all the wonderful parents out there! As a mother of Hitarth, my beautiful 4-year-old son, I understand the struggle that we parents face in managing our children’s screentime. In today’s tech-savvy world, screens are everywhere, and children are drawn to them like magnets. Same was with Hitarth who once had a fondness for screens. Like many children, Hitarth enjoyed watching shows/educational content on the phone, but it was limited to maximum 1 hour a day, in short intervals. To read how I achieved Hitarth’s balanced screen time, click here.

I kindly request you to read the full blog, where I share some truly unique and effective tips that I’m confident will make a significant difference in managing your child’s screen time. These insights have been personally tried and tested, and I believe they will be of great help to fellow parents in their journey towards balanced screen usage for their kids.

Frankly, I was okay with Hitarth having maximum of 1 hour of screen time. It seemed like a manageable amount to me. But then, something unexpected happened that opened my eyes and set us on a new path. In just a day, his screen time miraculously reduced from one hour to 10 minutes or most of the days NIL. If we start the TV, then he would say, ”I will watch it” or else, he doesn’t even remember about the TV at all. And it all started with a casual conversation with a friend about our kids’ screen times.

The Conversation That Changed Everything

It was just a casual chat with a friend about our kids’ screen times. When I told her about Hitarth’s 15 minutes to 1-hour screen routine, she simply said, “It’s really good that it is balanced but you can try to make that screen time on TV instead of mobile.” I’d always known this was probably better, but something about hearing it from her just clicked. It was as if I’d been waiting for that push all along.

And that was it! I decided right then and there to shift Hitarth’s screen time to TV, but never mobile. Can you believe it happened that very same day? Yes, the very same day and that was the last day when Hitarth had his screen time on mobile.

And the icing on the cake was that not only did he stop watching the phone, but he also significantly reduced his TV time to just a few minutes or most of the days NIL. How did it happen? Let me tell you!

The Turning Point

That same day, I had an open conversation with Hitarth about screen time. I didn’t lecture him; I spoke to him, heart-to-heart. I told him about our new plan: ”no phone, limited TV.” His response? A simple, trusting, “Okay, Mumma.”

Those two words were more than compliance; they were a pact, a promise. The emotion behind that acceptance was profound and meaningful. I was genuinely amazed, I mean, super surprised, to hear his simple “Okay” because I didn’t expect such an easy acceptance. And that was it—the last day he asked for the phone.

Now this was the success story that I have shared with you all, and I really hope that this one story might just help you too. If you’re struggling with managing your child’s screentime, you’re not alone. Guess what? Through a loving and strategic approach, if I can manage to reduce my son’s screentime from one hour to just 10 minutes a day, and sometimes not at all, you can do too. Here are the tips that made it happen:

Maybe I’m Super Blessed to have him!

First thing first! I have to admit that I am super blessed to have Hitarth. He’s my little champ, who, for some reason, listens to me with an ease that still surprises me. I call him my little miracle, not just because he’s my child, but because of his innate ability to understand and respond to my wishes and guidance. He listens to me very easily, and I’ve often wondered if it’s something that I’ve manifested or a divine connection we share.

While I won’t deny that he has his mischievous moments and may not always be an angel in public, I can proudly claim that he transforms into the most well-behaved and understanding child when we are at home. It warms my heart to witness his willingness to listen and learn from me, as he follows my guidance and teachings with remarkable obedience.

Teaching him life lessons has been a smooth journey, and I owe it to our heart-to-heart one-hour talks every day and my strong belief in the power of manifestation and positive affirmations.

Talk, Talk & Talk – The Art of Conversation

Okay, mamas and papas, this part is crucial! We gotta talk to our kiddos like they’re our BFFs. No bossy commands or nagging; just sweet, gentle talk. So you tell me this, have you ever had a long heart-to-heart conversation with your kids? If not, I encourage you to start doing it from today. I understand that as a working parent, finding time can be challenging with office, home, and other responsibilities. However, even dedicating just 10 minutes initially and gradually increasing it can make a significant impact on your child’s mind.

Our nightly conversations have been incredibly beneficial, where we discuss Hitarth’s daily experiences, both the good deeds and the mistakes. Initially, I used to share his good actions with a happy face and his mistakes with a sad one. Over time, he learned to do the same for himself, genuinely apologizing when he makes a mistake and promising not to repeat it. Every night, he recalls his day & begins by saying, “Mumma, today I did this good & that bad. Then he takes responsibility for his mistakes and says, “I won’t repeat this again.”

The power of communication has also helped with managing his phone usage.The day we had this conversation of not watching the phone from now on, I appreciated him in front of his dad saying, ”You know, today Hitarth made a promise that he will never watch the phone again.” Hitarth was elated to hear the praise and declared again that he would no longer use the phone excessively.

It’s amazing to see how our communication has fostered self-realization in Hitarth, and it all happened because we took the time to talk and listen to each other. As a parent, it’s crucial to invest time in these heart-to-heart conversations. Even if you can spare only a few minutes a day, the impact on kids’ emotional development and behavior can be profound. So, let’s make an effort to build that connection and understanding with your kids through regular and meaningful communication.

Read here: The Power of Bedtime Conversations: How Talking with Hitarth Eases My Parenting Journey

Manifestation & Positive Affirmations

At first, the idea of manifestation seemed mystical to me, but I quickly realized it’s about setting positive intentions and embracing a hopeful mindset. By visualizing Hitarth engaged in meaningful activities instead of screens, I noticed a positive change in both of us. This practice has made us more optimistic, and Hitarth has become more receptive to my guidance. Believing wholeheartedly in his ability to control screen time has been transformative.

When you talk about something and keep repeating about what you truly desire to happen, it can have a powerful impact on behavior. This influence can be magical, and you’ll notice that your kids start embracing the changes more willingly. Don’e believe me, try it yourself!

This simple act of positive thinking & manifesting has significantly influenced how he responds to my guidance and instructions. For the past year, I have been actively manifesting good behavior in Hitarth ever since I learned about this concept. Additionally, before bedtime, both Hitarth and I practice daily positive affirmations. We repeat phrases like “I am well-behaved,” “I am kind,” and “I am caring.” While you may or may not believe in this practice, I can confidently share that I have personally experienced its benefits.

If you’re interested in knowing more about manifestation, feel free to reach out to me via Instagram. I truly believe in the transformational power of positive affirmations and visualization, and I want others to experience its positive effects too.

I encourage you to try this practice for at least 21 days and let me know how it impacts your life, just as it has positively influenced mine and Hitarth’s. Creating a positive and nurturing environment through manifestation and affirmations can be a game-changer in our parenting journey.

Appreciation and Recognition

Okay, okay, I admit it—I might be a bit of a show-off mom. But hey, who can resist bragging about their awesome kid? So, I made it a point to celebrate Hitarth’s achievements right in front of him. You won’t believe how that boosted his confidence. By praising him, I let him know that his actions matter and that his choices are seen and valued.

I’ve been boasting about this achievement in front of almost everyone in his presence, reinforcing that he’s a very good boy because he doesn’t watch the phone. Saying things like, “I am proud of you,” has become an almost daily ritual. I make it a point to appreciate his little achievements and boast about them to family. He’s no stranger to hearing praises like, “You’re such a good boy for doing this!”

Every small achievement was celebrated as a family. I would often praise Hitarth in front of his grandparents and other family members for being a responsible and mindful child who made healthy choices. I soon realized the power of appreciating even the smallest accomplishments in a child’s life. Whether it was completing a puzzle, drawing a picture, or showing kindness to others, I made sure to praise and acknowledge Hitarth’s efforts.

I believe it helps him improve and maintain his behavior. It’s not just empty words; it’s sincere encouragement, and kids, they know the difference. Children thrive on appreciation and praise. It’s their fuel, their motivation. When I started appreciating Hitarth’s little achievements and boasting about them to our family, I saw him bloom. His eyes would sparkle with pride, and he’d try even harder to be his best self.

Exploring New Interests

We didn’t just take away screen time; we replaced it with quality time. We have started engaging in various physical activities together. Our decision to reduce screen time and focus on quality activities has opened up a world of possibilities for Hitarth and us as a family.

Playing football and cricket at home has become a daily routine, and Hitarth loves the time we spend together. Additionally, we have enrolled him in skating classes, which has sparked his interest in sports even more.

Besides engaging in sports, we’ve also delved into other hobbies and interests. Hitarth has taken a keen interest in art, and we spend creative afternoons together, drawing and painting. Watching his imagination come to life on paper brings immense joy to both of us.

On weekends, we have family time at the park, where Hitarth enjoys playing sports and interacting with other children. This not only keeps him away from screens but also helps him develop social skills. It’s remarkable to see how these activities have not only kept him away from screens but have also ignited a sense of enthusiasm and curiosity in him.

Go Slow

Before making any drastic changes to your child’s screen time, I would suggest taking a gradual approach. If your child is currently spending more than an hour on screens, it’s essential to go slow in reducing it. Abrupt changes might lead to resistance and frustration for both you and your child.

Instead of completely cutting off screen time, consider shifting the content your child consumes on screens. Replace unnecessary videos with educational and age-appropriate content. There are numerous apps, websites, and programs designed to provide interactive learning experiences for children. By incorporating educational content, you can turn screen time into a more productive and enriching activity.

Furthermore, it’s essential to consider the context and quality of screen time. Not all screen time is created equal. Some digital resources can be valuable tools for learning, exploration, and creativity. While excessive passive screen time might have adverse effects, balanced and purposeful use can provide educational benefits.

If you’re interested in gaining a different perspective on screen time, I recommend reading the blog titled “Why Screen Time Isn’t That Bad for Kids: A Different Perspective.” It might offer insights into the positive aspects of technology use and how it can be harnessed to support your child’s development.


Is it difficult to reduce screen time for a 4-year-old?

It can be challenging, but with patience, consistent communication, and positive reinforcement, it is achievable.

How often should I appreciate my child’s efforts?

Appreciate your child’s efforts as frequently as possible. It boosts their confidence and motivates them to continue their positive behavior.

Are there any other activities you recommend to replace screen time?

Yes, activities like outdoor play, reading books, and engaging in art and crafts can be great alternatives to screen time.

How do I handle screen time during weekends or vacations?

During weekends or vacations, you can be a bit more flexible, but always ensure that screen time is within healthy limits.

What if my child resists the change initially?

It’s natural for resistance to occur, but be patient and consistent with your efforts. Communicate the reasons behind the change and gradually introduce new activities to make the transition smoother.

Conclusion: A Magical Transformation ✨

So, there you have it, Moms & Dads! My little guy went from screen addict to sporty dynamo in the blink of an eye. It wasn’t some super complicated plan; it was just showering him with love, praise, and a bunch of exciting activities. Every child is unique, but maybe, just maybe, my journey can inspire you to create your own screen-time success story.

I don’t know if this approach will work for everyone, but it worked for us. If you’re struggling with screen time, maybe it’s worth giving this a try. You might just find yourself boasting about your little one’s achievements soon enough!

Reducing screen time for Hitarth was not a difficult task once I applied a personalized approach. By counting my blessings, manifesting positive behavior, and providing constant appreciation and encouragement, I have witnessed a significant change in his screen habits. Setting boundaries and replacing screen time with physical activities have contributed to his overall well-being and development.

Remember, each child is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Embrace the journey, celebrate the progress, and cherish the moments spent together. To all the wonderful parents out there, may your parenting journey be filled with love, laughter, and growth!

Remember: You can always reach out to me on Instagram if you have any questions or need more help on this topic. I’m here to support and share experiences with fellow parents. Let’s create a healthier digital environment for our children together! Happy parenting!

Check out this blog on Hitarth and I Never Get Tired of This Must-Have Magna Tiles Engaging Play!

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Namita Aggarwal

I'm a devoted full-time mom and part-time blogger, passionate about nurturing my 4-year-old and expressing myself through writing. Amidst the whirlwind of motherhood, I steal moments to immerse myself in the world of words and ideas. Through my blog and online communities, I find solace, knowledge, and connection with fellow parents. Balancing caregiving and writing fuels my growth and brings fulfillment. As a reader, I value the power of shared experiences and wisdom found in blogs. I am also an art person, and I take art classes for kids, allowing me to nurture their creativity and explore the world of colors and shapes together. Let's embark on this digital journey together, celebrating the joys and navigating the challenges of parenthood while embracing the artistic side of life.

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